LWers...........do you want to FINALLY KNOW the truth? I mean the pure unadulterated hard truth of it all? Here it is........
The reason your silly Alinsky tactics worked as well as they did for a time is not for the reasons you think it did. It is because we look at you and see you for what you are........spoiled little children. It was just easier to stick a pacifier in your mouth than to PADDLE your asses. Parents make the same mistakes too for the same reasons. No parent ever WANTS to PADDLE their child,... in fact most will try about other avenues until they finally run out of options. THAT is what has happened now. We never really took you serious,...I mean,...who would? Instead we just stuck a sucker in your mouth and planted you In front of the TV and put the cartoons on for you. But did we ever REALLY see you as any serious threat? No,...sure didn't. Because no little child is. Now comes the spanking,...........this time it will hurt YOU way more than it does US and its been well earned. WHY do you think our government hands out entitlements like they do? Because they care?

Nope.........just a pacifier. Why do you think we hand out billions to third world countries? Because we care?

Nope....just an easier way of handing out another pacifier to keep the barbarians away from the gate so we don't have to take the time and effort to obliterate them. WAKE THE FUCK UP.........you have been living in a fantasy world your whole lives and have no clue whatsoever about how the world actually works.