MSNBC’s Menendez: Violence Against Tesla Dealers Is ‘Protest’

In my town, angry Lefties are slashing 100s of Car Tires on the side wall, causing car accidents on the freeway and blocking traffic for hours.

Over 180 cars now attacked.

Three people have been arrested. The Sheriff says they expect to arrest over a dozen in the end.

The supreme court of my state is talking about designating the Democratic Party as a Terrorist Organization, which would mean they can no longer have any candidate on the ballot.

They state that the tire slashings, and beatings with base ball bats of those changing their dead tire, need to stop immediately, or they will take action to ban the Democratic Party from the state.
Wonder how she’d react if someone firebombed the corporate offices of MSNBC in protest?
Isn't that amazing? But if you dare to even speak in opposition to their evil ideas they consider that "violence". So damaging property isn't violence words are. You can't make this shit up.
Indeed. To leftists, leftist violence = "free speech"/"protesting" meanwhile righty free speech/protesting = "violence". It's been seen time and time again, such as during the "Summer of Love".
Wasn't it in Portland Or, where during a Leftie riot, someone yelled "Hey! we have a Trumper over here", then three shots and the guy was dead?

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