Where are all the leftist cockroaches thanking Trump?
They HATE news like this. They don't care about their fellow citizens, nor have they ever. Like Ive TRIED to tell everybody that would listen for the last few years,......By the time this is all over calling someone a Democrat will be akin to calling them a dirty rotten cork sucker. What is happening now has been in the planning for YEARS. Amazing times were living in....Where are all the leftist cockroaches thanking Trump?
But wait,....I thought you claimed earlier that only rubes, hillbilly's, and PO folk shopped at Walmart. So,...which one are you?Interesting, since eggs and rolls just other went up a dollar today at Walmart
It has gone up since Trump got into office. His dumb tariffs will crank it up more.
Yeah - I'm sure we won't see anything from the tariffs. Trump is a terrible economic President.