Worst day of year: Dow down 900 points.

Ah, yes - the ol' "Wall Street is only for the rich" POV.

Trump should have made his campaign slogan "who needs a 401K, anyway?"
Trump is doing a great job with peoples 401Ks.
Dow closed at 43487.83 on Jan 20 2025 and it closed at 41433,48 today down 2054,35 points in less then a month and a half.
Keep it going Trump you can tank it totally in no time.
@Guno צְבִי @BartenderElite @Nordberg @Tbird19482 (and other lefties in this thread)

REMINDER of what libtards didn't give a shit about during "Biden's" term:

DOW JONES average on 12/31/2021 = 36,338.30
DOW JONES average on 06/17/2022 = 29,888.78 (17.7% decrease from EOY '21)
DOW JONES average on 09/30/2022 = 28,725.51 (20.9% decrease from EOY '21)

DOW JONES average on 12/04/2024 = 45,014.04
DOW JONES average on 12/18/2024 = 42,326.87 (6% decrease)

What the libtards are currently freaking out about within this thread (and have made into a self-fulfilling prophesy):

DOW JONES average on 01/20/2025 = 43,487.83
DOW JONES average on 03/11/2025 = 41,433.48 (4.7% decrease)
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@Diogenes --- I see that you dug up a bunch of DOW JONES freak out threads from years past (during Trump's term). Would you, by chance, know of any such threads made by the same person/people during "Biden's" term?? I can't recall any, and if you look at my post #64, you'll notice that the DOW JONES average took quite a tumble during most of 2022.
Besides that, Occupy Wall Street was about the disparity in wealth in America.

When the market plummets - as it is under Trump, AGAIN - it's an economic indicator. Investors have no confidence in this administration.
Bottom line:

The market broke records under Biden, and is absolutely plummeting under Trump. Because investors do not have confidence in his tariffs, or in this economy.
The market plummeted by over 20% during the first 9 months of 2022. Was Trump in office in 2022? Apparently "investors didn't have confidence in Biden" in 2022.