AOC unseated a long time extremely progressive man who had a history of voting in exactly the same manner as AOC has every single time. Ten years worth.
She certainly didn't beat him on policy, or because he wasn't loved in his district. It was a primary that had a great ground game against a veteran who didn't really have a serious challenger. Or so he thought.
What you didn't get with Crowley, was fodder for opposition soundbites re. 'defund the police'.
For all of her quality work on her committee assignments, she went through the puberty phase in Congress by flapping her immature mouth. Having AOC is a liability compared to Crowley. She inspires the youth vote, which happens to have gotten trump elected...twice.
While you make valid points, my support and respect for the young woman remains firm.
This is what I know for certain,
even as almost nobody else ever brings up the thought.
Americans in general and lukewarm liberals in particular
are sadly too timid to understand
how there are no moderate solutions to hugely immoderate problems.
Americans are now polarized far beyond the tipping point.
Progressive Americans are NEVER going to have a tolerable government with this nation remaining in its
current, unified configuration.
Being this unsatisfied brings consequences.
I hope to be still living to see the explosion and thus see my view proven,
even though the experience will be horrific.
I don't merely disagree with 77 million+ trumpanzees.
I quite literally bear seething hatred for them.
I am certain that they've
all devolved to sub-human mutant status.
They are no longer merely the opposition.
They are now the mortal enemy.
If America makes no serious attempt to give up its current configuration
and try to partition in a way to accommodate its totally incompatible current citizenry,
we will completely bypass third world status
and quickly evolve into a fourth world, apocalyptic dystopia.
I think we're getting uncomfortably close to that RIGHT NOW.
We're a putridly smelling dumpster fire under the pigfucker,
and it gets worse every day.
As for those responsible for the pigfucking orangutan being elected twice,
if they could only be stacked in a bonfire and doused with gasoline,
I would ecstatically light the match.
No hyperbole. I couldn't speak more literally.