Here's one for all my fellow geeks. I know you're out there.
It seems to me that the astronomers are waxing silly just to avoid demoting Pluto from a planet to a KBO. Or a Pluton, or whatever hellish name they're promoting this week.
Can someone tell me what's wrong with 8 planets instead of 9? Do we really have to get 53 planets just to avoid bumping Pluto? Who the hell cares about Pluto, anyway? And who wants to memorize 53 planets?
OTOH, I do hope that they allow Xena to stand as the canonical name for 2003UB313 . . .
It seems to me that the astronomers are waxing silly just to avoid demoting Pluto from a planet to a KBO. Or a Pluton, or whatever hellish name they're promoting this week.
Can someone tell me what's wrong with 8 planets instead of 9? Do we really have to get 53 planets just to avoid bumping Pluto? Who the hell cares about Pluto, anyway? And who wants to memorize 53 planets?
OTOH, I do hope that they allow Xena to stand as the canonical name for 2003UB313 . . .