10 months without media, just got back online. Please do share what did I miss?

Do you ever stop being a total dickhead?

I'm thinking "no".

It's been in my job description for so long that it's now just a habit. Why do you ask?

I'm not sure but he certainly talks like a wackadoodle. Did you watch his video?

Why did you hate Reagan?

I don't! He had great intentions! However, Bush had him shot 70 days into his 1st term, and then Bush took over for like..12 years.

And Bush is a globalist fucking asshole POS. He did nothing good for America.

His father bankrolled the Nazis. Reagan wasn't a bad anti-American man. He was a bad man to be a wife to, but he wasn't a traitorous POS like Bush.

Brady bill ring a bell?

Reagan almost died from a ricochet. they gave him all the blood they had in the presidential limousine and he needed more when he got to the hospital.

That shooting hurt him much worse than what was let on.
2nd term he had dementia and H.W. Bush was still running the show. Bush was a POS and did many bad things that hurt Americans and their rights.

Reagan's 2nd Congress is when the Senate voted themselves the keys to The United States.

That was in the 80s. Walking that back could prove to be a chore. The Senate voted themselves the rulers of this country. I see that as a problem, how about you?
You should see me when I'm angry. I'm grow three times taller. Kinda like the Hulk.


Why am I picturing you being some saggy foreskin with green crystallized smegma around your head?

If you get mad, what do you do with the crystallized green smegma? :dunno: