10 Signs You Are Definitely In A Cult. Pay Heed

Cults aren’t as easy to spot as you might think. Most cults don’t wear robes or live in communes. In fact, most cult members don’t even realize they’re in a cult.

1. The leader is the ultimate authority. NASA = God.

2. The group suppresses skepticism. Bash anyone who actually wants to discuss science or math, call him a "denier troll," put him on ignore, flee in terror, etc...

3. The group delegitimizes former members. Trash every person who has ever deviated from the collective, refer to him as a "charlatan" and a "science denier" and a NAZI and a RACIST! ... oh yeah, and as a HOMOPHOBE!

4. The group is paranoid about the outside world. If we don't solve/fix Climate Change, we're all going to DIE, but it might already be too late.

5. The group relies on shame cycles. Anyone who doesn't fully support the proposed new round of Climate taxes and fines obviously wants to destroy the earth and kill off humanity.

6. The leader is above the law. Elections can be stolen if necessary, and stormtroopers can burst into innocent people's homes in the dead of night, yank them out of bed and drag them from their homes in chains. It's all perfectly OK, and all who dare to ask any questions are to be shamed per #5.

7. The group uses “thought reform” methods. Indoctrination into Marxism and economics-denial, into Climate religions and science-denial, into critical race theory and reality-denial, and others that produce stupid, undereducated, scientifically illiterate, mathematically incompetent, logically inept, economics-illiterate and most importantly, totally gullible lemmings who are perfectly malleable and who OBEY.

8. The group is elitist. Assuming omniscience of past, unobserved events because of, well, ... someone said that a GEOLOGIST said so. Assuming to be a science genius because, well, ... satellites ... and NASA.

9. There is no financial transparency. DNC -> Crypto -> DNC donors -> DNC -> repeat

10. The group becomes delusionally paranoid about others, to the point of fabricating WACKY concepts that don't exist Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, etc. Secret meetings, untraceable text messages, etc. J6 secret planning.

Wake up leftists, you're being played for suckers.

You have to be a troll. Are you Legion?
You have to be a troll.
Let's find out. How do you define "troll"?

Are you Legion?
I have no other avatars anywhere on the internet, and I don't know who Legion is ... or are you asking me if I am legion?
