10 symptoms of woke mind virus


Black Kitty Ain't Happy
So are you saying that Gov. DeSantis is in "woke cult"?

I am saying that most of my fellow left liberals have been lost to their opposite, the illiberal WOKE CULT.

They turned out to be too stupid and gutless to save AMerica from the marxists, who simply rebranded from saying that it is class that needs to be measured to it being race.
The reality of the Woke "mind"

1. You read books you don't burn them, but only books approved by you and other likeminded people. Any book that doesn't is sent to the equivalent of the gulag.

2. You embrace science, when it suits you. You ignore it when it's inconvenient. How many sexes are there? How many predictions by the IPCC have been wrong? What about the hole in the ozone layer? Why do you listen to scientific illiterates like Greta and AlGore?

3. You are willing to force others to change their minds when their information is different from yours.

4. You understand that most issues aren't black and white unless you are practicing your usual over racism...

5. You believe in "true" equality for people, whatever that means. Usually this means redistribution of wealth, forced equal outcomes, keeping those that are stellar performers down while raising the incompetent, lazy, and ignorant up.

6. You like to force everyone else to share. Tax the rich comes to mind...

7. You embrace conformity

8. You respect other's rights unless they conflict with your ideas, like on religion, guns, property, or abortion as some examples...

9. You believe that a crucifix in a jar of piss is art and that tattooing and body mutilation is high culture...

10. You don't give a shit about the planet or its life unless either is messing up your own little corner of it.
The reality of the Woke "mind"

1. You read books you don't burn them, but only books approved by you and other likeminded people. Any book that doesn't is sent to the equivalent of the gulag. And it must not be more than 30 years old, twenty would be better.

2. You embrace science, when it suits you. You ignore it when it's inconvenient. How many sexes are there? How many predictions by the IPCC have been wrong? What about the hole in the ozone layer? Why do you listen to scientific illiterates like Greta and AlGore? They have no interest in science, as it refutes their religion.

3. You are willing to force others to change their minds when their information is different from yours. They actually dont care what your mind is, so long as you do as you are told.

4. You understand that most issues aren't black and white unless you are practicing your usual over racism...They are completely black/white thinkers, because they are profoundly ignorant.

5. You believe in "true" equality for people, whatever that means. Usually this means redistribution of wealth, forced equal outcomes, keeping those that are stellar performers down while raising the incompetent, lazy, and ignorant up. They dont believe in equality at all, they are replacing the Western hierarchy which was built on the back of competence with one based upon WOKE ideology purity.

6. You like to force everyone else to share. Tax the rich comes to mind...They demand to force everyone to do as they are told.

7. You embrace conformity "Purity"

8. You respect other's rights unless they conflict with your ideas, like on religion, guns, property, or abortion as some examples...They are very hostile to individual rights.

9. You believe that a crucifix in a jar of piss is art and that tattooing and body mutilation is high culture...Art like science is a threat to the religion...only propaganda will be allowed into UTOPIA.

10. You don't give a shit about the planet or its life unless either is messing up your own little corner of it. WOKE is profoundly anti human, saving the planet is primarily an excuse to keep people afraid and to hurt them.

The reality of the Woke "mind"

1. You read books you don't burn them, but only books approved by you and other likeminded people. Any book that doesn't is sent to the equivalent of the gulag.

2. You embrace science, when it suits you. You ignore it when it's inconvenient. How many sexes are there? How many predictions by the IPCC have been wrong? What about the hole in the ozone layer? Why do you listen to scientific illiterates like Greta and AlGore?

3. You are willing to force others to change their minds when their information is different from yours.

4. You understand that most issues aren't black and white unless you are practicing your usual over racism...

5. You believe in "true" equality for people, whatever that means. Usually this means redistribution of wealth, forced equal outcomes, keeping those that are stellar performers down while raising the incompetent, lazy, and ignorant up.

6. You like to force everyone else to share. Tax the rich comes to mind...

7. You embrace conformity

8. You respect other's rights unless they conflict with your ideas, like on religion, guns, property, or abortion as some examples...

9. You believe that a crucifix in a jar of piss is art and that tattooing and body mutilation is high culture...

10. You don't give a shit about the planet or its life unless either is messing up your own little corner of it.

Your buffoonery is just hilarious.