1. Disagree, lots of people consider American streets lined with gold. Of course on the individual level maybe not, as tourists occasionally not so much. Depends too where you are on the food chain. If low down there, America is still the land of dreams.
2. Probably true but so what. I don't even hate the fools in the red states even though I think they are fools. Plus so long as they keep their prepper nonsense and militia craziness at home who cares. Imagine the primitive soul wondering what the fuck is that big silver flying bird? Most Afghans didn't even know about 911 as they were being bombed.
3. True again, but few people know anything at all, and if they watch Fox they are even dumber. Ask people simple American history questions, any need to elaborate.
4. Listen - and I mean listen - to the women and they will appreciate you. Don't tell the prepper or redneck or Marxist libertarian they are off their rocker, that doesn't help even if true. Listen I have been married forever, hug her, touch her, praise her and occasionally buy her something all you need to know. For me I'm just happy.
5. BS, most Americans live a helluva lot better than most in the world. Lots of talentless people do well, just pick the right parents, look at the last fool we had as president. It ain't America's fault your parents are far down on the totem pole.
6. True, but there are shitholes all over, even here. A taxi with wifi makes this writer happy about the world, maybe he needs to start this list over with himself as something he doesn't know.
7. Lots of Americans are paranoid and that is why psychopaths like Ted Cruz or fools like Mike Lee or Louie Gohmert are elected. Look only at the tea party, they're so afraid they fear government will remove their medicare. Evolutionary paranoia helped us this far, time we toned it down. Armaments are our number one export so paranoia must be catchy.
8. Image along with narcissism keep the nation running, why do think those Lexus commercials are so flashy, Reagan would have to change the Cadillac mom to a Lexus mom. Japan won that one as now image excludes our own nation, where's that on this list?
9. Jeez, we were in Disney not long ago and boy are we getting fat. One can picture a sci-fi story of the day all Americans require all terrain wheelchairs as big as an old GM station wagon. Supersize us. Darn big Macs ain't so big any more either. You know economics of scale, there's a joke in there somewhere.
10. Huh, isn't comfort sorta like a nice place. You show me an uncomfortable person who has found happiness and I'll show you a fool. Exclude from this, masochistic hermits or monk types who find happiness in discomfort. But then is it really discomfort?
Bah humbug! Where's that crackpot Bill O'Reilly when you need him? The war on America has begun.