10 Things Americans Don't Understand About America

I thought all Americans were into collective guilt? You as an American have destroyed democracy here and set up a puppet regime composed of flabby incompetent idlers who bugger up everything they touch while they rant on about 'hardworking families' and leaving the EU to become Puerto Rico 2! :)

No, I as an American have preached for far greater isolation from the affairs of other nations. Frankly what goes on outside of our borders is almost never our business.
You forgot the 5564 US-MILITARY-BASES around the world. Then start counting in the cost of the Bush/Cheney/Obama/Biden Iraq & Afghanistan wars and nation building.


According to Fig 1, the 396 billion dollars military budget proposed in 2003 has in fact reached 417.4 billion dollars, a 73% increase compared to 2000 (289 billion dollars). This outlay for 2003 was more than half of the total of the US discretionary budget.
Since 2003, these military expenditures have to be added to those of the Iraq war and occupation The latter reached in March 2007, according to the National Priorities Project, a cumulative total of 413 billion dollars.
I don't count those...why should I? They serve our interests.
Our military bases around the world are there to protect the interests of the 400 families who sponsor politicians in this country.

The radical right hate the word democracy because it sounds like democrat who are members of the Democratic Party who are their sworn enemies. It's all so Pavlovian. Ring the bell with key words that go against their conditioning and watch em drool.
Why shouldn’t they think a nation as big of a sucker as America has to be so fucking rich we can’t even keep track of all the money floating around in this country? If we can afford 13 nuclear aircraft carriers and the rest of the world only has one while China is building one and we spend more on national defense than the rest of the world combined and we can afford to have military bases out the ying-yang all over the world and we have enough Admirals and Generals to supply military leadership to the entire world and still have too many left over for ourselves why wouldn’t folks want to come here and cash in? Nobody is telling them that their children and grandchildren will have to pay off the ungodly national debt. What they don’t know won’t hurt them, huh?

What did this ^^ have to do with the people continuing to want to come to the US, when they despise us?
1. Disagree, lots of people consider American streets lined with gold. Of course on the individual level maybe not, as tourists occasionally not so much. Depends too where you are on the food chain. If low down there, America is still the land of dreams.

2. Probably true but so what. I don't even hate the fools in the red states even though I think they are fools. Plus so long as they keep their prepper nonsense and militia craziness at home who cares. Imagine the primitive soul wondering what the fuck is that big silver flying bird? Most Afghans didn't even know about 911 as they were being bombed.

3. True again, but few people know anything at all, and if they watch Fox they are even dumber. Ask people simple American history questions, any need to elaborate.

4. Listen - and I mean listen - to the women and they will appreciate you. Don't tell the prepper or redneck or Marxist libertarian they are off their rocker, that doesn't help even if true. Listen I have been married forever, hug her, touch her, praise her and occasionally buy her something all you need to know. For me I'm just happy.

5. BS, most Americans live a helluva lot better than most in the world. Lots of talentless people do well, just pick the right parents, look at the last fool we had as president. It ain't America's fault your parents are far down on the totem pole.

6. True, but there are shitholes all over, even here. A taxi with wifi makes this writer happy about the world, maybe he needs to start this list over with himself as something he doesn't know.

7. Lots of Americans are paranoid and that is why psychopaths like Ted Cruz or fools like Mike Lee or Louie Gohmert are elected. Look only at the tea party, they're so afraid they fear government will remove their medicare. Evolutionary paranoia helped us this far, time we toned it down. Armaments are our number one export so paranoia must be catchy.

8. Image along with narcissism keep the nation running, why do think those Lexus commercials are so flashy, Reagan would have to change the Cadillac mom to a Lexus mom. Japan won that one as now image excludes our own nation, where's that on this list?

9. Jeez, we were in Disney not long ago and boy are we getting fat. One can picture a sci-fi story of the day all Americans require all terrain wheelchairs as big as an old GM station wagon. Supersize us. Darn big Macs ain't so big any more either. You know economics of scale, there's a joke in there somewhere.

10. Huh, isn't comfort sorta like a nice place. You show me an uncomfortable person who has found happiness and I'll show you a fool. Exclude from this, masochistic hermits or monk types who find happiness in discomfort. But then is it really discomfort?

Bah humbug! Where's that crackpot Bill O'Reilly when you need him? The war on America has begun.
You're wasting your time friend. If you don't agree with Desh on anything you're a right wing hack who hates facts.

I'm beginning to think you're right. I do what I can to be patient because I understand we all have different opinions. I think what he (or she?) are arguing are basically on the definition of "Democracy" and the various forms of Democracy.
every dictionary and encyclopedia says your idiots for denying the USA is a democracy

Again you with the name calling...

Ok just briefly skimming your wikipedia link there are several forms of democracies, so let me ask you. Which type of democracy is the United States?
This is random but I'm watching the 49ers-Carolina game and the announcers mentioned Veteran's Day tomorrow and showed some service members sitting in the crowd and thanked all the members of our military for protecting the greatest country in the world.

I wonder if the author or any others find that comment offsetting or just another example of American hubris?
This is random but I'm watching the 49ers-Carolina game and the announcers mentioned Veteran's Day tomorrow and showed some service members sitting in the crowd and thanked all the members of our military for protecting the greatest country in the world.

I wonder if the author or any others find that comment offsetting or just another example of American hubris?
We're the last warrior people left. Or at least for a couple generations.
I don't count those...why should I? They serve our interests.

Isn’t that always what you leftist do? You ignore all the facts that don’t fit your arguments.

What interest do you believe are being served by spending 418 billion $ on 5,564 military bases in over 120 foreign nations? Does it serve America’s interest to be the World’s Mommy and Daddy and the world’s police force? What’s gonna happen to the rest of the world when America runs out of other people’s? money?
What did this ^^ have to do with the people continuing to want to come to the US, when they despise us?

They don't realize we're bankrupted, they think we're rich. They think money grows on trees in America. They think that because they see how we throw money at every issue all over the world. They want to come to America to "pick" some money from the money tree.
Representative democracy

The only thing supposed to be “democratic” about America is free democratic elections.

However, America’s elections aren’t even “democratic” or “representative.”

Ballot access in America is rigged by the duopoly parties so that no others need apply. Not Democratic or representative of anything except “corruption.”

Elections are actually determined by ”The Money” not the vote. They’re determined by who has the most money to bribe and buy the vote.

Fewer more than 30% of all eligible voters even bother to vote in America that’s not ”representative’ of any majority therefore the vote is neither “democratic” i. e. “majority rule,” or “representative” of a majority.

America was designed by our founders to be a “Representative Constitutional Republic” whereby a vote by the majority selected representatives who are sworn to preserve, protect and defend not the “majority,” but rather the ”CONSTITUTION.” However, that great and logical concept has long since been trashed in favor of money and bribery. And there are damned few of us left that give a fuck about the Constitution.