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The democrat liberal media refuses to report anything negative about the Bidens

The democrat liberal media refuses to report anything negative about the Bidens
The democrat liberal media refuses to report anything negative about the Bidens
Prove it
As far as elitists go...I understand the argument they make, and that argument is against you by the way. I don't like their plans but I do have to admit sometimes I wonder why I bother talking to you and people like you. It's probably because many self-styled elitists are inbred and psychopathic. I know them better than you do.
I'm not a democrat, I'm not a republican either. That dichotomy has been put out there to keep morons busy...yep, you're a moron.
As for people who are legit, most Americans don't like either major political party.
That is quite stupid. However, it is the REPUBLICANS who investigated the Bidens and found nothing. The terrible newspapers reported that. When they announced the results, it was news. I guess your right-wing news did not cover it.
When you are accusing others- the burden of proof is on the accuser.
It is going to be a fun election season
You as always show your ignorance and continue to show you are an arrogant elitist
The investigation is just getting started
I am defintiely arrogant, I'll own that like a fart in a car but as far as elitist goes nope, I don't like them anymore than you do but I understand them far better than you do.
It ended. Durham released a 300-page whitewashing of the time and money he wasted.
Youe posts and hate show you think you are above everyone
No. I get along with a lot of people. Do you?
Not if you act like you do here
Show me the people you get along with. I can show you mine.
No you can't. Like I said if you act like you do here nobody would want to be around you. I have several other truckers I talk to all the time not to mention people from my church
I can, I can list my friend's list. Can you?