12 states hit record low unemployment

By Kerry Eleveld — April 17, 2022
New data continue to demonstrate the strength of the U.S. labor market and the nation's continued economic recovery under the stewardship of President Joe Biden.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics released a report Friday showing that March unemployment rates had dropped in 37 states while remaining stable in the other 13 states and the District of Columbia. Compared to March 2021, "all 50 states and the District had jobless rate decreases," noted the report.
The national rate, 3.6%, declined slightly from the month previous but was fully 2.4 points lower than in March 2021. Fifteen states also logged unemployment rates lower than the national rate of 3.6%.

In addition, 12 states hit record-low rates. Among those all-time lows, Nebraska and Utah logged the lowest rates in the country at 2% each. Very close behind were Indiana at 2.2% and Montana at 2.3%. The other states hitting all-time lows included: Alaska (5.0%), Arizona (3.3%), Georgia (3.1%), Idaho (2.7%), Mississippi(4.2%), Tennessee (3.2%), West Virginia (3.7%), and Wisconsin (2.8%).

Relative to last year, Nevada has seen the largest drop (-4.2%) in its unemployment rate to 5.0%.

The news sparked a round of local headlines across the country, some of them in important midterm swing states:

It doesn't matter, only one economic indicator that shows the success of the Biden Administration, there are plenty, more plus than negative, however, the key one, the one every American feels is inflation, and as long as it prevails the Democrats will not be able to run using their achievements to boast.

One demographic that swung heavily for the Democrats the last few times out was the younger voters, new voters, and this is the first time in their lives they have ever experienced inflation, doubtful their enthusiasm and participation is going to be their for the next election
That is why infrastructure matters. We should be upgrading all of our obsolete bridges and double capacity to help with inflation.