12 year old arrested for bullying

Sickening how far we've come. Personal responsibility is gone. Both for the victim and the bully.
Resolve it. We teach the children to run to the adult and focus very minimally on peer to peer conflict resolution.
I understand why the authorities won't give details or that the school has yet to comment or even been identified from anything I've seen.

Problem with 'bullying' is that unless there are clear signs, it's a very easy charge to level, the 'victim' can actually be the bully. Since the police and school were both investigating since 9/20 and took action because of suicide threat, likely they found enough to charge.

Regardless of our ages, we all have dealt with bullies in school and out. The problem in re cent years is just the accusation can be enough, that is not right and can be very detrimental to all involved.
I have no real idea where to find meaningful data on it, but I don't think bullying has decreased, only become more subtle.


A study of workplace bullying.
The main objectives of this study were to provide cumulative estimates of the
prevalence of workplace bullying, and to investigate the influence of methodological
artifacts on reported prevalence rates. Across the studies included, an overall estimate of
Prevalence of workplace bullying 967
14.6% was established. Yet, such an overall estimate must be interpreted with caution as
the further findings confirm our hypotheses that prevalence rates of workplace bullying
are itifluenced by measurement methods and sampling procedures. With an overall rate
of about 11%, the results show that studies using the self-labelling with definition
method provide the lowest estimate of bullying. When using the behavioural
experience method, the prevalence is somewhat higher with rates about 15%, whereas
the self-labelling without definition method yields the highest estimates with overall
rates of 18%. Hence, compared to studies using self-labelling with definition, the
prevalence rates of this latter approach are almost twice as high. With regard to
sampling technique, the findings show that non-random samples at an average yield
8.7% point higher estimate of workplace buUying than do random samples. Yet, when
exatnining sampling technique within the measurement method categories, sampling
method had less impact on the prevalence estimates.
Based on the present meta-analysis, workplace bullying seems to be a substantial
problem in contemporary working life. At a worldwide average, the findings show that
at least 1 out of 10, and maybe as many as about 1 out of 5, workers are exposed to
bullying in their workplaces. As bullying and harassment have been shown to have
considerable negative effects both for organizations and those exposed (Bowling &
Beehr, 2006; Einarsen & Mikkelsen, 2003; Hoel, Einarsen, & Cooper, 2003), our findings
demonstrate that workplace buUying is a problem that should be taken into
consideration in organizational life. Hence, governments, employers, and organizations
need to take the bullying issue seriously by developing and implementing interventions
and strategies to handle the problem.
Compared to adjacent phenomena such as sexual harassment and aggression, this
study shows that workplace bullying has lower prevalence rates. For instance, in a metaanalysis
of the incidence of sexual harassment, Ilies et al (2003) found that 58%
reported exposure to sexual harassing behaviour, whereas 24% self-labelled as victims
of such harassment. In a representative survey of aggression among US workers, it was
found that 41.4% had experienced at least one instance of psychological aggression at
work during the past 12 months (Schat et al., 2006). Although based on inconsistent
reporting periods, the lower prevalence rates found in our meta-analysis support the
assumption that w^orkplace bullying is a phenomenon distinct from other forms of
interpersonal aggression. That is, whereas aggression and harassment may be described
by single and isolated behaviours, workplace bullying is per definition based on
repeated behaviours over a prolonged time period. Consequently, because more
frequent negative acts are needed to describe the bullying phenomenon, prevalence
rates should also be lower compared to aggression and harassment.
pg 966-967

TLDR: Self reporting of bullying underestimates the effects of bullying. More people feel bullied when shown a specific criteria for bullying or when they use and emotional indicator. Bullying is not being properly addressed, only shoved onto the shadowy sidelines.
The bully deserves the death penalty. Its the only way. We have to get tough here. If someone feels bad because of something you say or do you should die.
This year in my daughter's school, she was told that if they threatened to tell on the bully they were engaging in bullying. I am having a talk with the principal, who has also all but banned dancing, no more slow dances, no one is allowed to move their hips while they dance and partners cannot touch while dancing.
Given the lack of details, perhaps we on this board shouldn't decide what should be done? maybe we should leave it to those who are actually aware of the situation?
This year in my daughter's school, she was told that if they threatened to tell on the bully they were engaging in bullying. I am having a talk with the principal, who has also all but banned dancing, no more slow dances, no one is allowed to move their hips while they dance and partners cannot touch while dancing.

You need Ren.
In my schools, they taught conflict resolution as an elective/extraciricular

In our schools 'integrated and directly taught into curriculum' grades k-5. MS and HS have peer 'committees' to address issues sent by building administrator. Truth is, actual bullies are pretty well ID'd by MS, if they've come through the unit schools. They often end up in self-contained BD.

Here is what IS commonly problematic in secondary schools, many of the 'victims' are not so much bullied as ignored, they and their parents perceive that as bullying. Most often it has to do with extreme shyness or social maladjustment on the child's part. Seems like 'blaming the victim,' right? Not always.

Schools can and do prohibit invitations to be distributed in school, even when claimed, 'Everyone' is invited. What schools cannot prevent is the kids talking about events before or after during lunch, gym, passing times. Yes, kids will send notes to friends and to those left out. Just like 50 and more years ago, the teachers try to 'catch' and read them, as we all know, most get thru. (As a preventative measure teachers or orientation staff should advise all students who feel 'bad' to keep any notes/texts at the beginning of the year and share them with trusted adult, they are proof of bullying or harassment).

The positive news is that most schools will rigorously punish bullies, if the teachers can 'catch' or the student/parent keeps notes, texts, emails, etc.
This year in my daughter's school, she was told that if they threatened to tell on the bully they were engaging in bullying. I am having a talk with the principal, who has also all but banned dancing, no more slow dances, no one is allowed to move their hips while they dance and partners cannot touch while dancing.

By his own criteria, he just bullied the kids.
Hoist him by his own petard