12 year old arrested for bullying

This year in my daughter's school, she was told that if they threatened to tell on the bully they were engaging in bullying. I am having a talk with the principal, who has also all but banned dancing, no more slow dances, no one is allowed to move their hips while they dance and partners cannot touch while dancing.

Sounds like you got the Footloose principal. The only solution is to dance like you have a turd trying to escape down your pantleg, leaning over a bit so you look slightly retarded...

I have no real idea where to find meaningful data on it, but I don't think bullying has decreased, only become more subtle.


A study of workplace bullying.
pg 966-967

TLDR: Self reporting of bullying underestimates the effects of bullying. More people feel bullied when shown a specific criteria for bullying or when they use and emotional indicator. Bullying is not being properly addressed, only shoved onto the shadowy sidelines.

Probably just moved online.

And not very subtle.
This year in my daughter's school, she was told that if they threatened to tell on the bully they were engaging in bullying. I am having a talk with the principal, who has also all but banned dancing, no more slow dances, no one is allowed to move their hips while they dance and partners cannot touch while dancing.

Don't worry, you can expect to get some help battling school district injustice from the new kid at your daughter's school.

His name is Ren and I hear he's trying to organize some kind of dance for the seniors.