Matt Dillon
Semolina comes from wheat
Rap is full of your favorite racial slur.
That's not NWA, next, pls.
Rap is full of your favorite racial slur.
Commies. This is all American. We replaced baseball with murdering other citizens. This is our thing.
Uh okay.
You wouldn't stop some crazy that assaulted your kid? I would.. Yes..
BAMN. And yoking out is too good for a piece of shit like that.
i never said for a fact the kid is white
Obama has nothing to say since the victim is white child
Thats how we know the kid is white
LOL. You are crazy.
They somehow didn't get that deep with it, dammit! But they know..
They may never say, but they know.
If some nigger cut my kid's neck at a McDonalds I'd kill him right then and there. FUCK THE BULLSHIT.
Whatever charge it would be is what it would be.
Police suck, man.
In b4 every leftist calls me a racist.
If he's a nutbar that should be in an institution, why did this happen?
That kid is traumatized for life.
I had a dog like that once.
Only the guy I gave her to and me could even get near her, and then she was still nervous, and a big ass pitbull/shepherd mutt.
She'd snap in a nanosecond.
A very big, serious, and dangerous dog. If you were not me or the guy I gave het to, don't mess with her.
He might be crazy, but he didn't kill anyone.
He might be crazy, but he didn't kill anyone.
He cut an innocent kid's neck though.
For that, his should stretch. K?
The perp was black and 51 and the victim was a 12 year old white male.
That motherfucker should hang within 1 month, amirite?
If the 12 yr. old was black, he should hang twice. He was racist against blacks.
That's only when the assailant is white.
That's only when the assailant is white.
If the perp was white, then it would be national headlines. Riots.
That he assaulted a 12 year old child is justification. Hang that POS! Lucky I ain't that boy's pops, he'd be dead already. He'd be dead b4 leos could get there and arrest me. Scum like that do not deserve to live.
I suspect you're correct.
But I hear that black people cannot be racist.
Simmer down. Shittsburgh ain't the Old West.