No question... out of the past four Presidents Clinton did the best. I have never argued that. My point is that NO BUDGET IS DONE WITHOUT CONGRESS. NOT ONE. A point you dems seem to have a very hard time grasping.

The REP Congress created the budget by negotiating with Clinton. They worked together. Period. Nothing you can say will change that.

The whole "Clinton sucked less than the other three" argument doesn't change the fact that he still increased the nations debt every single year in office.

Consider yourself skooled, skewered and shishkabobbed.

Sigh.......my poor cyber skewered friend: Clinton drove the budgets and congress approved them.

and here you are trying to change the direction of the argument. I've NEVER claimed that democrats were perfect in regard to economic policy. I am claiming that current batch that we have in congress now IS BETTER than the Republicans hands down. Now, if you can give me one or two examples of how Republicans are better at better at balancing our budgets at a federal level, then we can have a real debate until then, I own you beyotch.
Sigh.......my poor cyber skewered friend: Clinton drove the budgets and congress approved them.

and here you are trying to change the direction of the argument. I've NEVER claimed that democrats were perfect in regard to economic policy. I am claiming that current batch that we have in congress now IS BETTER than the Republicans hands down. Now, if you can give me one or two examples of how Republicans are better at better at balancing our budgets at a federal level, then we can have a real debate until then, I own you beyotch.

Bullshit! Clinton drove the Budget? Really? What a load of crap. Like I said, NO budget is created without Congress. Congress and the WH work together to a joint agreement, that is the only way it can get done. Unless of course a party has a veto proof majority in both the Senate and House. But that rarely happens.

And no, the current batch of Dems have provided just as much debt as the Reps before them. Or do you know of some spending cuts that I am unaware of?
I think you're reasoning was a lot more sophisticated than the ones that bought that story: Bush must be telling the truth; the president wouldn't lie.

Hahhaha, you ain’t kidding, but…it’s not nice to sneak a slam at SF in like that!
In that context, the Senate Budget Committee met last Thursday, with White House budget director Mitch Daniels invited to testify. Chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND) opened the hearing with a statement [131K PDF file] emphasizing Bush's campaign promise to devote the Social Security surplus to debt reduction,

In that context, the Senate Budget Committee met last Thursday, with White House budget director Mitch Daniels invited to testify. Chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND) opened the hearing with a statement [131K PDF file] emphasizing Bush's campaign promise to devote the Social Security surplus to debt reduction,


All of them do it... it's pathetic they get away with it. I just remember Gore's 'lockbox' being made fun of, as if protecting SS funds was a bad thing.
No, that’s not what I’m saying.

Why do men have to be so dumb? I have to repeat everything I say to men twice. I mean, it’s like talking to fucking retards. When I’m out with my girlfriends, I only have to say things one time.

I really wish I could get into having sex with women. I really do.

I know I get called a man-hater here, for pointing out the obvious, but whatever.

It’s nothing personal Dave. But I’m tired of writing everything twice on this board, and I can’t help but notice I don’t have to type things twice for Tiana.
What? I can't understand until you type this again! Get to it!
All of them do it... it's pathetic they get away with it. I just remember Gore's 'lockbox' being made fun of, as if protecting SS funds was a bad thing.
That's because too many idiots can't even recognize a good fiscal decision if it is being smacked around by somebody of a different party.
Please point out the errors I have made. I am always willing to learn.

I dunno, had something to do with GDP. I didn't try to wrap my brain around it but Clinton's 'surplus' was more to do with the fact we were worth a lot more so we were more able to ward off the debt.