Scut Farkus
America isn’t Europe. Europe has a history of xenophobia and a deep-seated inability to successfully integrate immigrants and different ethnic groups.
America’s strength is our acceptance of diversity, and our tolerance for cultural melting pot which has made us stronger.
Anchor babies are a faux “problem” that the reich wing flogs routinely. You are being screwed by Wall Street titans, corporate overlords, and their political handmaidens. Some Mexican baby born in El Paso has either no effect, or negligible effect on your life. You are being manipulated by rightwing xenophobia (aka, Mexicans, muslims, blacks, welfare queens), which is one of their standard attempts to distract you with bright shiny things. There’s bigger fish to fry than a Mexican baby in El Paso, or a Muslim community center in Manhattan – but sadly, Boss Limbaugh doesn’t want you and the tea bag fringe to be aware of them.
The 14th Amendment is arguably the greatest historical achievement of the Republican Party. The fact that modern Republicans and NeoConfederates routinely attack the 14th amendment and Abraham Lincoln is sober testament to how far the Republican Party has strayed from its progressive roots, into the realms of uber-rightwing teabagging.
It's not xenophobia to be intelligent about immigration and citizenship.