15 & 17, ‘filmed themselves gang raping woman, 36, and beating her to death in a park

the first name is supposed to be Dewey.....

Yes....most of the time that is how its told. But the version I posted is also told but more rarely. Its just a takeoff on the Meme of Jewish Law firms being family run,..like A dad and two sons, or a group of brothers. Rabinowitz, Rabinowitz, and Rabinowitz. That sort of thing....
Not only that, but I'm sure you noticed how Primavera continued his sentence "and beaten to death" with "by savages". Have they no way of criticizing crime without being racist?

Primavera, uses crude insults in what he posts on this forum, but he sure can't stand being insulted back.
Weasel and Jerome are nasty bastards that take offence all the fucking time. Weasel is always calling for people to die yet he's never been called out for it by any liberals.

I don't want anyone to die, but I am not above intentionally triggering trolls. Many posters don't use this forum genuinely. They literally only created an account (or several accounts in most cases) to anonymously troll strangers on the internet. So, yes, I tell them to die, watch them lose their nonexistent minds, smile, and move on to a worthwhile conversation with a real human being.
Couple of Points:
Almost all Large Cities are run by Democrats, so acting as if large cities run by Repubs is just pure BS.

Secondly the news source is channel 58 in Milwaukie, so to say it was not reported he is a Lie.

Thirdly I wonder why it is the OP always points to Blacks committing a crime and uses it to attack Dems, yet ignores any crimes committed by whites as if they do not exist, could there be an agenda there?

Fourth, if found guilty, and they will be, they should get the maximum punishment.

Run very well, I might add.
for the record, a better question might have been, why did me accusing you of rape and murder drive you into road rage, when you felt it was okay for you to accuse volsrock of a lynching?......

Of course it's appropriate. He's a racist shitbag from the South, chances are he's done his darndest to attend a good lynchin'.