151 DNA samples were taken from mummies. A grand total of 0 of them came back as black

But But But

"We Wuz Kangz n' Shiet"

Yeah, I have too. And I'm sure that when a cat is seriously ill or because of some other anomaly, they might on rare occasions drool.

But dogs just drool as a matter of general dog behavior.

I once even saw one take a shit on a patio, after which he turned around and ate it.

That's why I do not let dogs lick my face.

I don't dislike them, but I'd never own one.
:rolleyes: I do wish people would READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY. From the OP article sans the silly assed photo shop:

Krause hypothesizes that ancient Northern Egypt would be much the same, if not more, linked to the Near East. Ancient Southern Egypt might be a different matter, however, where populations lived closer to Nubia, home of the “Black Pharaohs” in what is now Sudan.
... “There’s always more research we can do. This is not the end. It’s just the beginning.”
This is typical MAGAt half-truths. There's a good reason why the Twitter Twit showed a picture and not a link to the CNN article: It would reveal facts not to his liking. MAGAts, and Pedophiles, prefer Alternative Facts. :thup:

The CNN article: https://www.cnn.com/2017/06/22/health/ancient-egypt-mummy-dna-genome-heritage/index.html
Modern Egyptians were found to “inherit 8% more ancestry from African ancestors” than the mummies studied. The paper cites increased mobility along the Nile, increased long-distance commerce and the era of the trans-Saharan slave trade as potential reasons why.

The team’s findings do come with one obvious caveat: “All our genetic data (was) obtained from a single site in Middle Egypt and may not be representative for all of ancient Egypt,” the paper concedes.
This is a current event?
Yes, dumbass, it is. Now STFU and go jerk off in the corner with the other neo-Nazis.
Only rich, royal or influential people were mummified. And they were an incestuous bunch. It's not surprising they're all the same race and have the same geographical origin.
Geographical origin and similar ancestry, yes, but there's no such thing as race. Just regional similarities for the reason you mentioned: inbreeding.

Kinda like hillbilly MAGAts who have a family tree that looks like a Festivus pole.