17-Question test to see if your beliefs are logically defensible

Dixie, I didn't refute your "argument" because all you have is supposition and opinion, same as anyone else who argues for or against a deity. So instead of being nice and charitable, I chose to make fun of you, for no one else's amusement but my own. You, naturally, assume some greater work at hand, and fly off the handle. I tell you to stop taking yourself so seriously, and you come back with more of the same.

Tsk tsk tsk.

Well, all anyone has is supposition and opinion, that is true. I didn't deny that by refusing to accept your supposition and opinion. I merely pointed out where this so-called "logic test" fails the test of both "logic" and a valid "test" in every way, and is more an indicator of mankind's inability to comprehend what he doesn't understand.

I've not flown off the handle, or assumed anything here, except that you are a retard without a life. I don't care why you come here, of if it makes you feel better about your pathetic meaningless life to bash a total stranger on a message board for the thrill of it. I think it is sad you are in such a state, but I really don't care what you do.
What is the logical fallacy? That one can be logical but still wrong?

No, the logical fallacy of the posted "test" begins with the question; Does God exist? I explained why this is a logical fallacy, but apparently, in your haste to pop off some smart ass reply to me, you failed to read that. Now, the rest of the so-called "test" is based on the logical fallacy of the first question, and presumes all kinds of things that are based on other logical fallacies, to the point the whole "test" becomes an abstract of logic, and merely presumes answers which remain unknown.

This is like having some uneducated starving Ethiopian child explain nuclear fission to us, and they begin by presuming it is through some kind of magic. We can listen to an ignorant fool ramble on and on about something they have not a clue about, but what is the purpose? Is it possible the Ethiopian could stumble upon the truth in this subject? I suppose, but it's really not likely, particularly starting from the premise that all nuclear fission is magic.
Translation: After 94 attempts to get a medal, I still couldn't figure the damn thing out. That's God punishing me for my lack of faith.

Dixie and I reach similar conclusions despite the fact that our personal philosophies could not be more different.
I do not agree that taking the test makes one stupid though. It is not stupid to have a bit of fun or even to take a few steps along a path to see where it leads. Refusal to recognise that a path might exist and lead somewhere is really the stupidity if there is such a thing.
WM, you really need to relax. You should probably stop making assumptions about my beliefs. I consider myself a Deist, but not because I consider there to be proof of a god/external causality to the universe. I am a Deist simply because an external causality would explain all matter and energy coming from a complete void. This supposition offers no possible explanation of the qualities of this causality/deity. It could be infinitely complex, simple, or anything in between.

I accept Big Bang theory, and from what I understand there is considerable evidence for this theory. I would welcome scientific/mathematical answers to the question I posed about everything coming from nothing. I also embrace the idea that we may never know, or that we may have an answer far in the future which completely contradicts my Deistic supposition.

Characterizing my beliefs as being "PC for Christians" is outlandishly laughable. There is nothing PC about Deism or agnosticism. Your conception of these questions and your underlying schema suggests considerable rigidity - ie there is only one acceptable answer: yours.

I am understandably close-minded to nonsense and stupidity.
Bigotry based on ignorance, like Christian bigotry towards Islam, is stupid and should be crushed, but bigotry based on education, wisdom, and rationality, like atheist bigotry towards all of religion, is something precious that is to be cherished.
Bigotry based on ignorance, like Christian bigotry towards Islam, is stupid and should be crushed, but bigotry based on education, wisdom, and rationality, like atheist bigotry towards all of religion, is something precious that is to be cherished.

lol....from the guy who has bigotry towards christianity and all other religions and claims its based on education, wisdom and rationality.....

lmao....you do know that muslims/christians etc.... believe they are educated, have the wisdom of the prophet/jesus and rationally believe their faith is the true faith

your ignorance is cute watermark....you think you're right based on the same logic
lol....from the guy who has bigotry towards christianity and all other religions and claims its based on education, wisdom and rationality.....

lmao....you do know that muslims/christians etc.... believe they are educated, have the wisdom of the prophet/jesus and rationally believe their faith is the true faith

your ignorance is cute watermark....you think you're right based on the same logic

The difference is, I have evidence. They don't.
This universe just doesn't look anything like the product of design. It looks exactly like a bunch of natural laws coming together and makin shit.

You make your chosen people in your little world ,and you throw them in a desert in the middle of a huge planet, that's actually really small, that orbits around a sun that's in some random part of a galaxy, that's in some random part of the universe for no reason at all, and four thousand years ag, you telepathically communicate to them to give them some sand scribblings that tell them how to live. Then you stop.

And, BTW, you created your chosen people over several billion years through a convulted process of evolution, that could have happened just as easily anyway had you not been there.

Science doesn't disprove God, it just makes the concept look ridiculous.
The very human-centricness of the concept belies it's obviously mind-created nature. What's more likely? That, despite all of these laws of nature that seem to operate without caring about our presence, this entire vast universe was created specifically for us? Or, in the infancy of our civilization some caveman came up with the concept of a being he can't see that cares about him and has some power over the uncaring natural world, and after attributing several lucky events to him just started worshiping him, and forcing his tribe to do likewise?
This universe just doesn't look anything like the product of design. It looks exactly like a bunch of natural laws coming together and makin shit.

You make your chosen people in your little world ,and you throw them in a desert in the middle of a huge planet, that's actually really small, that orbits around a sun that's in some random part of a galaxy, that's in some random part of the universe for no reason at all, and four thousand years ag, you telepathically communicate to them to give them some sand scribblings that tell them how to live. Then you stop.

And, BTW, you created your chosen people over several billion years through a convulted process of evolution, that could have happened just as easily anyway had you not been there.

Science doesn't disprove God, it just makes the concept look ridiculous.

The very human-centricness of the concept belies it's obviously mind-created nature. What's more likely? That, despite all of these laws of nature that seem to operate without caring about our presence, this entire vast universe was created specifically for us? Or, in the infancy of our civilization some caveman came up with the concept of a being he can't see that cares about him and has some power over the uncaring natural world, and after attributing several lucky events to him just started worshiping him, and forcing his tribe to do likewise?

the irony.........................

all the above is nothing more than faith, yet watermark ridicules faith
Bigotry based on ignorance, like Christian bigotry towards Islam, is stupid and should be crushed, but bigotry based on education, wisdom, and rationality, like atheist bigotry towards all of religion, is something precious that is to be cherished.

I wish you could feel, just for one second, the pain that reading your words causes my brain.