1932 choice

A highly respected JPP Contributor has posed a question:

"OK Trump supporters,it's 1932,you have a choice
For a leader,who do you support?
What's your choice?"

He's asking a theoretical question for Red Team.

It’s a theoretical question based on a faulty premise

But it makes shallow thinking people on blue team like you feel good and morally superior

Step 1: Ask question based on faulty premise and false choices
Step 2: Call person Nazi/Russian Bot when called out on it
Step 3: yuck it up with fellow blue team members and claim superiority
Step 4: Rinse. Wash. Repeat.
Lighten up, USF. We just come here to amuse and entertain each other. I've stopped interacting with you because you seem too thin-skinned.

You've stopped interacting because you're a fucking coward that uses the blame someone else excuse.