1963 politics flashback

Albert Herlong, Jr., a lifelong conservative Democrat who hated integration was a woo-woo conspiracy American.

YOU are special here, since you represent the future that Americans did not want, the future where America's legs have been held open to communists. You represent an America that has been taken over. You were the enemy of America in 1963, and are the enemy in 2019.
I am special here because I critically think. No one of common sense wants a John Birch Society America. In no way has your worries about a Communist America come about evmetro.

A conservative democrat JBSer is no better than a conservative republican JBSer.

But don't worry, your America, evmetro, will never happen.

This is a combined map of all countries that declared themselves Socialist states under any definition, color-coded for the number of years they said they were Socialist:

The majority of self-declared Socialist countries have been Marxist–Leninist states, following the model of the Soviet Union or a variant of people's democracy.

They share a common definition of "socialism" and they refer to themselves as Socialist states on the road to communism

OMG! India is on the road to communism?
OMG! India is on the road to communism?

Current countries with constitutional references to socialism:

Republic of India.

Preamble: "We, the people of India, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic and to secure to all its citizens"

Just think of how different the American political scene would look today if Dukakis has been elected in 88. No Bushes, No Clintons, No Al "The sky is falling" Gore...