19th century Christians murdered more Chinese than Mao


And at a time with a smaller population too. Impressive.

Communism and Christianity - all different forms of religion. May we be without them one day.

Taiping Rebellion

[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiping_rebellion"]Taiping Rebellion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Naval_battle_between_Taiping-Qing_on_Yangtze.jpg" class="image"><img alt="Naval battle between Taiping-Qing on Yangtze.jpg" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3c/Naval_battle_between_Taiping-Qing_on_Yangtze.jpg/300px-Naval_battle_between_Taiping-Qing_on_Yangtze.jpg"@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/3/3c/Naval_battle_between_Taiping-Qing_on_Yangtze.jpg/300px-Naval_battle_between_Taiping-Qing_on_Yangtze.jpg[/ame]

The Taiping Rebellion was a widespread civil war in China from 1850 to 1864, led by heterodox Christian convert Hong Xiuquan, against the ruling Qing Dynasty. About 25 million people were killed, mainly civilians, in one of the deadliest military conflicts in history.

Hong established the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom (Chinese: 太平天囯[1] pinyin: Tàipíng Tiān Guó), officially the "Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace", with its capital at Nanjing. The Kingdom's army controlled large parts of southern China, at its height containing about 30 million people. The rebels attempted social reforms and the replacement of Confucianism, Buddhism and Chinese folk religion by a form of Christianity. Troops were nicknamed the Long hair (長毛, pinyin: cháng máo). The Taiping areas were besieged by Qing forces throughout most of the rebellion. The Qing government defeated the rebellion with the eventual aid of French and British forces.

In the twentieth century, China's communist leader Mao Zedong glorified the Taipings as early heroic revolutionaries against a corrupt feudal system.

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This is a total fail; "a type of Christianity" is not Christianity. The fact that some Chinese dude adopted his own form of religion in order to incite rebellion is not the fault of Christianity...but of the nut-bird's own grandiose ego...i.e. Hitler et al
It's been a long time since I have run across anyone stupid enough to claim the Taipeng rebellion was a Christian movement....I assume that you have never studied history but take your walking orders from the nearest AtheitsRUs website of ignorance?.....next time I suggest you read your sources before you post them....

After studying the material, Hong Xiquan claimed that the illness he had following his imperial examinations was in fact a vision to the effect that he was the brother of Jesus, who was sent to rid China of the corrupt Manchu Qing Dynasty rulers.

this doesn't resemble any versions of Christianity I've ever heard of......sounds a bit more like a personal psychotic delusion......sort of like the one you experience when you claim to be rational........
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I love your defense "He's not my kind of Christian, so he's not a Christian!"

Well, Mao's not my kind of atheist. So he's not an atheist.

I love your defense "He's not my kind of Christian, so he's not a Christian!"

Well, Mao's not my kind of atheist. So he's not an atheist.


dude, there's no indication he's anyone's type of Christian.....now I realize you're at least three quarters brain dead and the rest is waning, but surely that's obvious to even you......
Mostly because he lead all of his follower's to their death.

not to mention what the article says he actually believed in....this article indicates that he studied Christianity for two months under a Baptist missionary who later refused to baptize him.....do you realize how bad things have to be that a Baptist missionary would refuse to baptize you?......

not to mention what the article says he actually believed in....this article indicates that he studied Christianity for two months under a Baptist missionary who later refused to baptize him.....do you realize how bad things have to be that a Baptist missionary would refuse to baptize you?......

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hong_X...ians murdered more than Mao. Thanks, Christ!
He wasn't a Christian, he was a nut like most liberals.

You wonder what will become of the world when these nincompoops finally sew their wild oats and get down to the business of living in the real world instead of some universe they hang out in on their PSIII's.

It's pitiful the tripe they concoct in their hollow little heads.
I’m pretty sure that religion in general has been responsible for more deaths throughout history, than any secular political ideology. Not just Christianity.

Remarkable how the “Islam is Evil” crowd can so easily wall themselves off from any association with Eric Rudolph, the Serbian Orthodox Christian massacre of Muslims, the KKK, the militant Christian terrorist whackos in Africa, or the abortion clinic bombers, by proclaiming that those people aren’t really Christian……. While at the same time, lumping the world’s one billion Muslims in with Al Qaeda, and with the whacked out brand of wahhibism practiced on parts of the Arabian Peninsula.
can't argue with that...any fool who continues to claim he was a christian after repeatedly being shown he wasn't, is ineed beyond all embarrassment

He WAS a Christian. He was a follower of Christ, he read the bible. Just because his version was too heterodox for you doesn't change anything. You're just biased by your acceptance of this irrational superstition.

and btw, i googled and china's pop is said to be 450 million in 1850

I said hundreds of millions to a billion... which is a pretty huge error bar. I just new that those places had massive populations even back then. I mean, if you think about it, supporting 450 million people in the 19th century (and presumably for centuries before then) is a pretty impressive feat.
He WAS a Christian. He was a follower of Christ, he read the bible. Just because his version was too heterodox for you doesn't change anything. You're just biased by your acceptance of this irrational superstition.

I said hundreds of millions to a billion... which is a pretty huge error bar. I just new that those places had massive populations even back then. I mean, if you think about it, supporting 450 million people in the 19th century (and presumably for centuries before then) is a pretty impressive feat.

i wasn't talking to you about the millions, i didn't clarify, i was talking to 3d

and no, it wasn't christians killing, he wasn't even baptized, you've been shown repeatedly he was not a christian....if i claim i'm an atheist, does that make an atheist just because i say so?