2 nations that tried

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What are you told to do? What do you think you'll be told to do? Citizens in other democratic countries that do not permit guns are not living under slavery. I'm trying to understand what you fear.

You mean the British, Australians, Japanese, French and Germans aren't victims of constant government tyranny?
If/when certain citizens band together to fight the government you'll see how quickly martial law is invoked. All I can say is good luck fighting the US military with your guns.

Watch the video of Waco for a taste...and that wasn't even the military.
If/when certain citizens band together to fight the government you'll see how quickly martial law is invoked. All I can say is good luck fighting the US military with your guns.

So you imagine the US military will fire on their countrymen?
Not at all. Remember the "enemies foreign and domestic" saying? If an uprising begins it will be swiftly dealt with.

I'm pretty confident that SmarterThanFew's "uprising" could be swiftly dealt with by an Animal Control officer.
So you imagine the US military will fire on their countrymen?

Fire on traitors? I have no doubt. Didn't that happen back in the 1860's? If I recall they did a lot more than fire on them. Sherman loved a good camp fire.

On that note it's bed time for Apple. Have a good evening.
Not at all. Remember the "enemies foreign and domestic" saying? If an uprising begins it will be swiftly dealt with.

IF? IF? Do you think the rest of the world is planning the destruction of America? Do you think that all the terrorists in the world have told everyone but America that they'll be OK?
You are a sensible guy, Apple, but surely you are not sold in this 'clear and present danger' crap that has destroyed your freedoms, destroyed your confidence and destroyed your reputation?
Why can't Americans just do what everyone else does? Get on with their lives in as much peace and harmony as is possible and stop looking under rocks for comic book anti heroes?
in other words, you're projecting your own cowardice on to others, because you would readily submit to slavery, others must do the same. no thanks. the truth is, the body count of such a totalitarian exercise would be higher than the holocaust.

Don't be so bloody stupid. The big shot gun totin' yank is the coward. It is he (and she) who live in permanent fear.
I don't.
I have said on several occasions that America's problem is that it is an intrinsically violent society.
You are demonstrating the truth of that statement by the rubbish above.
Get a life for goodness sake. learn to like people. That way you MAY become smart. But never smarter than me! (tic)
Nonsense. As I asked what is the the typical gun going to do up against the government? It's absurd.


That kinda puts a gigantic, oil producing nation sized, hole in your argument.
in other words, you're projecting your own cowardice on to others, because you would readily submit to slavery, others must do the same. no thanks. the truth is, the body count of such a totalitarian exercise would be higher than the holocaust.

And yet the idiot, NoIQ, has admitted that he lives in a gated communty, so that he can keep the poor unwashed masses away.
It's been discovered that the real reason he hates the US; is because his real father was a US service man, who got his mum pregnant at the end of WWII and then he came back to the US.
The wanker who finally married his mum, never let NoIQ forget what really happened and this is why he hates the US so much.
Let me put it this way. If you plan on taking on the government I'd suggest doing an arsenal inventory first. To say you're "out-gunned" is a gross understatement.
Do you really think that the majority of the Military are just going to blindly fall into lock step with the Government, if it gets this far.
And exactly what kind of armament do you think those Military personel are going to have access to.

That kinda puts a gigantic, oil producing nation sized, hole in your argument.

Rise up, and see what size hole the Michigan state, county and local police put in your argument.

You might discover they're better prepared than a third-world government.