2 White Men Handcuffed at Starbucks

There is a huge point to this topic, and your very post is the point of the topic. Look at the opening post:

Do you see what color of men the opening post clearly describes? Now go through this thread and see how many lefties said a word about how this hypothetical headline and article would go over. How many of them said anything about whites? Your post, like the rest of the lefty posts here, shows that if the two black men who really were arrested had been white, lefties would not have anything to say about it.

IOW, this whole topic is just a contrived bit of racism.
Just buy a cup of coffee or a cookie. If you're there to meet someone, chances are you're going to be staying there to chat and patronize the establishment. Correct?
Why else would you be meeting them there? So just buy something, use the restroom, sit back, relax, and wait for them to get there.
Image matters, white men are all good people, you know like Putin, Stalin, Manson etc, black people on the other hand.... While a bit off topic read the book quoted below, it will open your mind. Racism is so deeply embedded into the psyche of America that it is going to take a long time.

"...Justice Joseph Bradley was exasperated with African Americans consistently seeking legal redress and laws to fend off the violence, state-sponsored discrimination, legalized terror, and the reimposition of "crypto-slavery" and a "netherworld of righteousness's" that had come to define their lives after the Civil War. He barked that "there must be some stage in the progress of his elevation when he takes the rank of a mere citizen, and ceases to be the special favorite of the laws. " Like Andrew Johnson, Bradley saw equal treatment for black people as favoritism.

Unequal treatment, however, became the law of the land. In Hall v. DeCuir (1877), the justices ruled that a state could not prohibit racial segregation." Then, in a series of decisions, Strauder v. West Virginia (1880), Ex parte Virginia (1880), and Virginia v. Rives (1880), the U.S. Supreme Court provided clear guidelines to the states on how to systematically and constitutionally exclude African Americans from juries in favor of white jurors. III The crowning glory was Plessy v. Ferguson (1896). Homer Plessy, a black man who looked white, thought his challenge to a Louisiana law that forced him to ride in the Jim Crow rail car instead of the one designated for whites would put an end to this legal descent into black subjugation. He was wrong. The justices, in an 8-1 decision, dismissed the claims that Plessy's Fourteenth Amendment rights to equal protection under the law were violated. Justice Henry Brown unequivocally stated, "If one race be inferior to the other socially, the constitution of the United States cannot put them on the same plane." And when Plessy argued that segregation violated the Thirteenth Amendment's ban against "badges of servitude," the Supreme Court shot down that argument as well, noting: "We consider the underlying fallacy of [Plessy's] argument ... to consist in the assumption that the enforced separation of the two races stamps the colored race with a badge of inferiority. If this be so, it is not by reason of anything found in the act, but solely because the colored race chooses to put that construction upon it " page 35 https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/26073085-white-rage
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Ruh roh!

No time for stalkers on my page!

Buh bye, shitstains:

I Love America
Havana Moon
Truth Detector


When did the term "stalker" have anything to do with the ability to do research, using the internet??
If the men had been white, nothing would have happened and there'd be nothing to discuss.

In the hypothetical article presented in the opening post, the men WERE white, and something DID happen. When a lefty attempts to process the hypothetical scenario that was presented, it causes them to short circuit, since they simply cannot process and discuss such a situation.