20 black on white homicides in september alone. USUAL MEDIA BLACKOUT

Text Drivers are Killers

Biden likes little girls
Fact is black on white murders are common and white on black rare. The swamp media can't stop lying.


0ct 13 2022 September saw the usual toll of white women in relationships with black men, whites who got involved in altercations with blacks, and robberies. There was also yet another gas station clerk and two Good Samaritans.

But one trend that showed up strongly this month: recidivism. Defined as the tendency of a convicted criminal to reoffend, it’s often cited by psychologists as a hallmark of psychopathy [Psychopathy and Recidivism: A Review, by James F. Hemphill et al., Legal and Criminological Psychology, June 2011]. It is also a recurring theme in black-on-white homicides: suspects commit crimes after they have been released from prison or are otherwise on judicial probation. There were no less than three cases involving recidivists in September: the tragic deaths of jogger Eliza Fletcher, Allison Parker, and radio reporter Jim Matthews.

However, when Eliza Fletcher was abducted while running and murdered in Tennessee, none in the mainstream media seemed to notice the victim was white and the suspect is black.

”[Cleotha] Abston, according to police, ‘ran aggressively toward’ Fletcher, who was out for a morning run, and then ‘forced’ her into the passenger’s side of the GMC Terrain, adding that there was a ‘struggle’ during the abduction,” Fox News reported [Eliza Fletcher abduction:

Put this in context: when white men attempted to arrest a black male “jogger” suspected of burglary in Georgia, they were attacked. The suspect trying to grab their gun in what was clearly self-defense. Those white men are now in prison. There was much ado was about racism and ”jogging while black.”
Most local murders are not national news.
America is a violent and dangerous place.
People are routinely murdered as a matter of course.

For some reason, however. TDAK is still walking around.
America is apparently an unlucky place as well.
Most local murders are not national news.
America is a violent and dangerous place.
People are routinely murdered as a matter of course.

For some reason, however. TDAK is still walking around.
America is apparently an unlucky place as well.

R (8).jpg
Live by the sword die by the sword! America's days are numbered!
Most local murders are not national news.
America is a violent and dangerous place.
People are routinely murdered as a matter of course.
For once, the pervert tranny is right. Yes - america is violent and it's because of the negroz. Send the 40 million negroz back to africa and violent crime would drop by 90%.
For once, the pervert tranny is right. Yes - america is violent and it's because of the negroz. Send the 40 million negroz back to africa and violent crime would drop by 90%.

Excuse me, genius, but did our African brethren converge on this continent as refugees or explorers, or were they hauled here on slave ships?
Even if there is a so-called "balck problem," it's entirely the fault of Caucasians and nobody else. There was no African invasion.

Does it hurt to be as stupid as you, TDAK?
Excuse me, genius, but did our African brethren converge on this continent as refugees or explorers, or were they hauled here on slave ships?

The black slave traders in africa sold their slaves to the white slave traders. The whites did not capture blacks and turn them into slaves. They were already slaves.
The black slave traders in africa sold their slaves to the white slave traders. The whites did not capture blacks and turn them into slaves. They were already slaves.

And was it black slave traders who brought them to the Americas?
The point is that they didn't come here of their own volition.
If white people didn't want them here, they shouldn't have brought them here.
If we have racial unrest, there's nobody to blame except white people.
And white people like you, TDAK, are as polluting to the American population as anybody could possibly be.
People should be looking for a place to send you.
And was it black slave traders who brought them to the Americas?
The point is that they didn't come here of their own volition.
If white people didn't want them here, they shouldn't have brought them here.
If we have racial unrest, there's nobody to blame except white people.
And white people like you, TDAK, are as polluting to the American population as anybody could possibly be.
People should be looking for a place to send you.

Sicily is a good place to send him, don't you agree?
And was it black slave traders who brought them to the Americas?
The point is that they didn't come here of their own volition.

No - the point is they were already slaves when the white men bought them. There is no way to know but i suspect white slave owners treated them better than the black slave owners.

Anyway what does slavery have to do with all these black on white murders we have today?
Anyway what does slavery have to do with all these black on white murders we have today?

Black people have plenty to be angry about.

Many were raised in an environment where normal development into a socially compatible human being would be nect to impossible.
These conditions linger because the effects of white imposed Jim Crows laws have not yet eroded away,
and devolved sub-human mutants like yourself, TDAK, are not helping.

Neither are liberals who are ok with militant blacks creating a non-assimilated black sub-society with special standards of their own instead of demanding across-the-line color blind standards.
for everybody.

The difference is that they're unwise without malice while you're blatantly racist--as well as pathetically stupid.
Black people have plenty to be angry about.

Many were raised in an environment where normal development into a socially compatible human being would be nect to impossible.
These conditions linger because the effects of white imposed Jim Crows laws have not yet eroded away,
and devolved sub-human mutants like yourself, TDAK, are not helping.

BS - negroz have been getting affirmative action special treatment for 50 years!!!! There is no white conspiracy holding them down you moron. They just can't compete because they are so mentally inferior.

Back in 1974 the boxer ali fought george foreman in Zaire, africa. When he came back to the states some reporter asked him what he thought of africa and he said something like " I'm just glad my great great grand-dad got on that boat." Even back then negroz knew they had a good deal here in america.

Most local murders are not national news.
America is a violent and dangerous place.
People are routinely murdered as a matter of course.

For some reason, however. TDAK is still walking around.
America is apparently an unlucky place as well.

But one black person killed by a cop in one US city is a national story? Why would that be? It wouldn't be because its good for the divisive leftist narrative that America is a racist country would it?
Black people have plenty to be angry about.

Many were raised in an environment where normal development into a socially compatible human being would be nect to impossible.
These conditions linger because the effects of white imposed Jim Crows laws have not yet eroded away,
and devolved sub-human mutants like yourself, TDAK, are not helping.

Neither are liberals who are ok with militant blacks creating a non-assimilated black sub-society with special standards of their own instead of demanding across-the-line color blind standards.
for everybody.

The difference is that they're unwise without malice while you're blatantly racist--as well as pathetically stupid.

And you leftists make sure.they stay angry don't you? Jackson and Sharpton have made careers of it.
Black people have plenty to be angry about.

Many were raised in an environment where normal development into a socially compatible human being would be nect to impossible.
These conditions linger because the effects of white imposed Jim Crows laws have not yet eroded away,
and devolved sub-human mutants like yourself, TDAK, are not helping.

Neither are liberals who are ok with militant blacks creating a non-assimilated black sub-society with special standards of their own instead of demanding across-the-line color blind standards.
for everybody.

The difference is that they're unwise without malice while you're blatantly racist--as well as pathetically stupid.

You do know you are wasting your time with “copy and paste,” he just runs with the most outrageous thing he can find off his right wing blogs in order to raise a stir. He is not after an exchange, and usually by the sixth or seventh post the tread devolves in to nothing but personal attacks
20 black on white homicides in september alone.

For fun, we should do some math. There were about 24,576 in the USA in 2021, and about 2048 (one twelfth) happened in September. Now lets assume the lowest numbers we can for Blacks as 12% of the population (I know it is higher than that, but I am going to make a point), that would be 246. Now assume they kill at random, without regard to race, and 58% of the population is white, we would expect Blacks to kill 143 whites.

That is MUCH higher than the 20 you claim happened. That means there is something driving down the number of Blacks killing whites. The number is not unusually high, as you claim, but much lower than would be expected. You may say Black murder rates are higher, but that just means 20 is even lower than expected. There is no way to get Blacks killing whites unreasonably high.

The primary theory about this is that people kill their neighbors, or mostly kill their neighbors. Blacks live in Black neighborhoods, so kill Blacks. Whites live in white neighborhoods, so kill whites.

Interestingly enough, this does a bit fall apart. Whites are unusually likely to kill Blacks in a way not explained by random chance.

But we return to the people killing their neighbors. If you are a Black living in a mostly white neighborhood, you are usually doing very well financially, and less likely to be a murderer. If you are a white living in a mostly Black neighborhood, you are usually doing very badly financially, and more likely to be a murderer.
For fun, we should do some math. There were about 24,576 in the USA in 2021, and about 2048 (one twelfth) happened in September. Now lets assume the lowest numbers we can for Blacks as 12% of the population (I know it is higher than that, but I am going to make a point), that would be 246. Now assume they kill at random, without regard to race, and 58% of the population is white, we would expect Blacks to kill 143 whites.

That is MUCH higher than the 20 you claim happened. That means there is something driving down the number of Blacks killing whites. The number is not unusually high, as you claim, but much lower than would be expected. You may say Black murder rates are higher, but that just means 20 is even lower than expected. There is no way to get Blacks killing whites unreasonably high.

The primary theory about this is that people kill their neighbors, or mostly kill their neighbors. Blacks live in Black neighborhoods, so kill Blacks. Whites live in white neighborhoods, so kill whites.

Interestingly enough, this does a bit fall apart. Whites are unusually likely to kill Blacks in a way not explained by random chance.

But we return to the people killing their neighbors. If you are a Black living in a mostly white neighborhood, you are usually doing very well financially, and less likely to be a murderer. If you are a white living in a mostly Black neighborhood, you are usually doing very badly financially, and more likely to be a murderer.

So you're saying you're a product in your environment regardless of race? Very wise.
For fun, we should do some math. There were about 24,576 in the USA in 2021, and about 2048 (one twelfth) happened in September. Now lets assume the lowest numbers we can for Blacks as 12% of the population (I know it is higher than that, but I am going to make a point), that would be 246. Now assume they kill at random, without regard to race, and 58% of the population is white, we would expect Blacks to kill 143 whites.

But they're NOT RANDOM, you idiot. Most murders are same race - black on black or white on white. You are the only one dumb enough to say we should EXPECT blacks to kill 143 whites each month.!!!!!

You need to compare black on white murders to white on black murders. THINK
But they're NOT RANDOM, you idiot. Most murders are same race - black on black or white on white. You are the only one dumb enough to say we should EXPECT blacks to kill 143 whites each month.!!!!!

You need to compare black on white murders to white on black murders. THINK

You're telling a leftist to think? There's a better chance your dog will do calculus.
But they're NOT RANDOM

Which is what I said. Clearly, Blacks are killing whites at a much lower rate than would be expected if it were random, and therefore there is some sort of social factor keeping Blacks from killing whites. Rather than the number being unreasonably high like you claim, it is unreasonable low for some reason.

Your whole premise is nonsense.

You need to compare black on white murders to white on black murders. THINK

Let's use a simple thought experiment: two car robbers, one Black and one white steal a car. They then take turns putting on blindfolds and shooting (and killing) eight random people out of the car. They do not do this at all based on race, but it works out to be exactly the percents of the general population of Blacks and non-Blacks. For simplicity sake, we will say they both killed one Black a piece, and seven whites.

You would claim that this is a case of Blacks killing seven times as many whites as whites kill Blacks, but remember it was completely not based on race. The fact is by random chance the population with the majority will be heaviest hit.

In short there is no way to explain why so many Whites kill blacks by random chance. There is something going on here that is not random.