Text Drivers are Killers
Biden likes little girls
Let's use a simple thought experiment: two car robbers, one Black and one white steal a car. They then take turns putting on blindfolds and shooting (and killing) eight random people out of the car. They do not do this at all based on race, but it works out to be exactly the percents of the general population of Blacks and non-Blacks. For simplicity sake, we will say they both killed one Black a piece, and seven whites.
You would claim that this is a case of Blacks killing seven times as many whites as whites kill Blacks, but remember it was completely not based on race. The fact is by random chance the population with the majority will be heaviest hit.
In short there is no way to explain why so many Whites kill blacks by random chance. There is something going on here that is not random.
You and Your "random shooting" talk is horsecrap. Again i say "You need to compare black on white murders to white on black murders." Problem is no one has those numbers since nearly all black on white killings are censored.