Racism Watchdog
Are you trying to "pin" something on him, dear Brother?
Sailor boi "pinned" it on himself, mon Frère.
Are you trying to "pin" something on him, dear Brother?
Tell me all the evidence we have of life outside of our planet, Vodoo boy.
I'm not real sure what that means, ... but it sounded pretty good so I gave you a 'Thanks'.
He believes he is going to live forever because he has pleased the magical beings he mumbles to in the big magic house once a week..
Yeah, side with him, dreamer.
I am still holding out hope for Warp Drive.
I never really cared about flying cars or jet packs, but growing up on a steady diet of NASA, Apollo, Viking landers, Space Shuttle, I thought for sure we would have Mars bases by now.
sidebar: most under-rated Mars movie of all time = John Carpenter's "Ghosts of Mars"
Lack of evidence, does not mean that it's evidence of something lacking.
The article was inane. It doesn't list what will never be, it lists what we cannot do now and extrapolates that we will never be able to solve the issues that stop us from doing it.