2004 MoveOn.Org Ad Depicted President Bush as Adolf Hitler; No Democrat Outrage - Vid

Ok, if you think so...but the whole troll thing was pitiful if you ask me. it's not something I would ever think of doing to someone...but that's me I guess..

Well, I am not saying frog's not a bitch, just that I think those posts you read had been made before the troll was banned.
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It was a set-up, TwoTwo. :rolleyes:

I was waiting to hear you ask that so I could segue into asking you why you think "mimi" is a problem while you approve of your classless pals using names like "mattressback", "stupid stinky tuna twat", or "Lady Tuna".

Hope that clears it up.

Get over yourself, Hagatha Chrispie
What it was is she was informed by frog that you were the aabba. She and the gang fucked with you back then and you swung back. Be prepared chris is now motivated to do her favorite, but predictable game of finding the first post where you gave it back to her. She will then claim is was an unprovoked attack ignoring that her, belme, frog, tom, and gang were playing the ol' inuendo game at ya.

I noticed that Chrispie didn't have a condemning word to say about timmies use of the phrase "cunning stunt"; but then she'll probably fall back on the old tired and true comment of "I didn't see it".
Don't hold your breath. That vulgar trollop whose filthy mouth would put a longshoreman to shame lies as easily as the rest of the human race breathes. I've said over and over that Prak told us aaba and meme were one and the same, months ago on our previous board.

The slattern is trying to cover her butt, given her own part in spreading sh*t the minute WOT posters joined this forum.

Why did you have to bring Darla and her behavior into this conversation??
Ahhh, he was on at least one of the predecessors to this board. Not sure if he registered here or not.

Yep he last posted on here 11-2006.

Didn't you know that Prak and Darla had a cyber marriage, with a cyber honeymoon, and then a cyber divorce??
She got caught having cyber sex with another poster; ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,again.
I noticed that Chrispie didn't have a condemning word to say about timmies use of the phrase "cunning stunt"; but then she'll probably fall back on the old tired and true comment of "I didn't see it".

Chris is doing the shrill "they were vulgar" "we were only just responding" bullshit... She's as predictable as the rising sun.
Didn't you know that Prak and Darla had a cyber marriage, with a cyber honeymoon, and then a cyber divorce??
She got caught having cyber sex with another poster; ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,again.

So what? Topspin and I did the same thing.

Why do you think he continually slams me so?

Hell hath no fury like a lover scorned.
Were you outraged when the Dems depicted Bush having sex with leiberman? I could go on and on and on.

And so does the right go on and on. I get most of those chain emails mails.
Where I used to work I did not do politics at work and some assumed because of my conservative nature that I was a right winger. So I get all those emails.
1 out of 100 is funny.