Unfortunately, that mold was shattered during the Bush years..they don't really care about it, they just do now that it is directed at their Dear Leader.
You break it, you buy it.
Unfortunately, that mold was shattered during the Bush years..they don't really care about it, they just do now that it is directed at their Dear Leader.
Okay, mimi, let's see some of your outrage over comparing a president to Hitler.
These teabaggers, nothing but classy.
Okay, mimi, let's see some of your outrage over comparing a president to Hitler.
These teabaggers, nothing but classy.
Have the liberal fucktards forgot how they acted during the Bush presidency. Talk about a classless bunch of nuts, and look how frightened they are that people dare to complain and question the one and his failed policies.
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Yes but it shows that a small vocal minority of the conservative movement have NO idea what it was to be a Jew in Hitler's Germany and pretend that this is the equivalent.Its called free speech. *shrug*
I like how we diss the tea party people here as "teabaggers," as if tea party protesting is historically on the wrong side of American history.
What's your point? *shrug*Yes but it shows that a small vocal minority of the conservative movement have NO idea what it was to be a Jew in Hitler's Germany and pretend that this is the equivalent.
Yes but it shows that a small vocal minority of the conservative movement have NO idea what it was to be a Jew in Hitler's Germany and pretend that this is the equivalent.
And you still fail. Nazis used raw physical violence, and not just a few union thugs beating on one guy in a wheelchair, and imprisonment to silence their critics. When it gets that bad, let me know.what you miss is that they aren't comparing themselves to Jews, they are comparing the left to Nazis.....the difference is that the Nazis used their strategies on anyone who opposed them, not just on Jews.....
And you still fail. Nazis used raw physical violence, and not just a few union thugs beating on one guy in a wheelchair, and imprisonment to silence their critics. When it gets that bad, let me know.
Okay, mimi, let's see some of your outrage over comparing a president to Hitler.
These teabaggers, nothing but classy.
Have the liberal fucktards forgot how they acted during the Bush presidency. Talk about a classless bunch of nuts, and look how frightened they are that people dare to complain and question the one and his failed policies.
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Get with the program, VP. Your pal mimi started a thread about a similar incident with bush that dated back FIVE YEARS. I educated her that the same thing is happening today with Obama, and it's not a one-time ad.
We can spend all day going tit-for-tat on who's the most insulting party but it would be an exercise in futility. However, if you want to continue, I'll raise your "bush nazi" with a half-dozen "Obama nazis".
You aren't Pastor Niemoller and this isn't Nazi Germany. This is EXACTLY the kind of scaremongering I would expect from politicians but not from educated individuals. Someone mentioned the social security scare tactics that the Democrats used but this is far worse. Comparing Obama to Hitler and comparing healthcare reform to concentration camps. Intellectual dishonesty at best.shall I wait till they need brown shirts to help them distinguish the victims from the thugs?'s that saying go "yesterday they went for one guy in a wheelchair and you said nothing, today they went for Socrtease in his easy chair and you said nothing, tomorrow they come for Touchiliberal......shucks, if only they had gone for him first......
You aren't Pastor Niemoller and this isn't Nazi Germany. This is EXACTLY the kind of scaremongering I would expect from politicians but not from educated individuals. Someone mentioned the social security scare tactics that the Democrats used but this is far worse. Comparing Obama to Hitler and comparing healthcare reform to concentration camps. Intellectual dishonesty at best. eight years in America, protest was in and all the cool kids did it. We had flamboyantly dressed Code Pinkers demonstrating at conventions and in sessions of Congress, calling Marine recruiters “traitors” and protesting wounded soldiers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Then there were the crazies from Acorn stalking Wall Street executives at their homes. And anti-war lefty Cindy Sheehan got so much news coverage from the major networks and top newspapers that they practically had to create a bureau to handle her antics.
Through it all, the left whined that President George Bush was a fascist – with “BusHitler” a common term among the foam-at-mouth Birkenstock set. (Google Bush and Hitler and you’ll get more than 1 million hits including a bunch of Photoshopped images of Bush in a Nazi uniform with a Hitler mustache.) We were supposed to bear with it. Dissent was patriotic we were told. Those hate-spewing anti-war activists really loved our soldiers – especially when they were mocking the war right outside a veteran’s hospital. And the endless stream of Nazi comparisons were just free speech, after all.
Interesting. It seems just like yesterday when liberals would get raked over the coals for merely suggesting parallels between bush's propaganda and nazi germany's.
Interesting. It seems just like yesterday when liberals would get raked over the coals for merely suggesting parallels between bush's propaganda and nazi germany's.
ah yes....heaven help us if educated individuals should actually object to something a liberal deems worthy....This is EXACTLY the kind of scaremongering I would expect from politicians but not from educated individuals.