2016 Election electoral vote predictions

"Society's needs come before the individual's need." – A. Hitler // "We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society" – H. Clinton

The only thing to be said for a Trump victory is that it will abolish forever these interminable American elections. He reckons to live a 1,000 years, I believe.
It's all been rigged, Pimp.
There's no way the GOP can hold the senate.
Will you rise up when they lose, or will you wait until the Democratic majority in the senate approve Clinton's Justices?
Did you get a gun yet?
and when the GOP does hold the senate can we expect you that you, as always, will tuck your tail between your legs and whimper like a whipped Shitzu?.......
Incidentally, I have been censored out of a discussion of Brexit. I had wanted to point out that, like a Trump victory, that total disaster hasn't happened yet, and, better, won't for two years, at which point the population of Canada may be increasing from two directions.
Incidentally, I have been censored out of a discussion of Brexit. I had wanted to point out that, like a Trump victory, that total disaster hasn't happened yet, and, better, won't for two years, at which point the population of Canada may be increasing from two directions.

why does the silly Welshman think a thread titled "2016 Election electoral vote predictions" is a discussion of Brexit?......
your prediction is noted and sealed under glass for future ridicule......

Ever since you made a fool of yourself for years ago you've been desperate for me to make an incorrect prediction. Just so you know An incorrect prediction is one thing, predicting that mitt Romney was going to win Michigan is quite another.
"Society's needs come before the individual's need." – A. Hitler // "We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society" – H. Clinton


Ever since you made a fool of yourself for years ago you've been desperate for me to make an incorrect prediction. Just so you know An incorrect prediction is one thing, predicting that mitt Romney was going to win Michigan is quite another.

lol.....you made a worse fool of yourself with Scott Walker.....I don't NEED you to screw up, I merely enjoy it when you do......
you sorry assed poser......a real lawyer would have known that slander is oral defamation and libel is written defamation.....what do you really do for a living, cut sugar cane in the Everglades?.......

I was not using the legal term, just the common language silly. Are you one of those pompous lawyers who goes around spouting Latin phrases to impress people?