2016 Election Reminder

Lefties do everything they can to evade opening posts, but I will restate it here so we don't get too far off the subject:

Just in case any lefties forgot, Trump kicked Hillary's ass in 2016. Hillary was worried that lefties might forget this truth, so she gave a special speech that has been recorded specifically for the left to watch:

Here is a reminder of how this ass kicking looked by county:


So who is the President? Trump!
jimmymccready Trump lost the PV dramatically. The EC cannot save himself this time. I am going to laugh you for months after Trump's defeat.
Trump won 56% of the electoral vote in 2016.

That's the 13th lowest of any Presidential election ever.

So he didn't "kick Hillary's ass" unless you're going to say Barack Obama beat the ever-loving shit out of McCain and Romney, and then pissed on them while they were on the ground.
Trump has his ass kicked in the PV: 18 million more voted against him than for him.

Nonsense defenses cannot get Trump out of that hole. 2020 is different than 2016, and I want the Trumpholes looking backwards fighting the last war and not the coming one.
You truly do not understand in the slightest. Please keep looking backwards and being a grammar nazi :). It will help you so much in the end. :rofl2:

I fully understand that the EC is not a "him" as you suggest.

Trump kicked Hillary's ass in 2016. Trump got an ass kicking 306 votes, and Hillary was only able to round up a lame 232. Lefties have a hard time understanding this, so I started a thread about it to help lefties see the truth. There are only 538 votes to be had to win a presidential election, and the winner only needs 270 to win. Trump got more than 270, and now he the president. Your side lost miserably.
There were only 12 Presidential elections with smaller electoral vote margins, and two of them are from this century - Bush in 2000 and Bush in 2004.

This thread is about one particular election. This is about the 2016 election where victory was determined by which candidate received the most electoral votes, and the winner had to have gotten at least 270 of the 538 votes available. This thread is not about CNN polls, popularity contests, MSNBC polls, or past presidential elections. Popularity contests and lefty media polls are not what is used to determine who wins the oval office.

In the 2016 election that this thread is about, Trump kicked Hillary's ass, 306 to 232. There were only 538 votes available, and Trump won an ass kicking 306 of them. Trump won, your side lost.
The thread about 2016 is fine, but to suggest it has implications for 2020 is stupid. The political landscape has changed in kind and difference. So let folks celebrate 2016, and as they keep looking backward they will only be able to stumble forward.
The thread about 2016 is fine, but to suggest it has implications for 2020 is stupid.

This is not about 2020. This thread is about one particular election. This is about the 2016 election where victory was determined by which candidate received the most electoral votes, and the winner had to have gotten at least 270 of the 538 votes available. This thread is not about CNN polls, popularity contests, MSNBC polls, or past presidential elections. Popularity contests and lefty media polls are not what is used to determine who wins the oval office.
Celebrate 2016 all you want, as the Dems celebrate 2008 and 2012, and will celebrate 2020. Keep looking backwards.

This thread isn't about celebrating 2016, it is meant as a reminder for lefties that Trump really did kick Hillary's ass, 306 to 232. Lefties tend to get confused and think that Hillary won millions of votes, but we know that there were only 538 votes available to determine the winner. This thread is a reminder for lefties so they can see the truth. Even with 200 posts, lefties still come along and allege that Hillary was actually the one who won the election, and that she somehow got more than the 538 votes that were possible. Watch. Like a moth flies into the flame, some lefty will come along and perpetuate that crazy notion.