2016 Presidential-Election Is Merely A Formality

Sometimes I wonder if we will actually have an election...it could be cancelled.
With all the goading and provoking the Administration is doing to Russia about cyber attacks (real or imagined), they may take the bait and really send a big one on election day "dismantling" the technical capabilities of our voting hardware so to speak.
Couple that with trigger happy Hillary's admission that she would not rule out military action as a fitting response to a cyber attack, we could be staring at WWlll before the day was over.
At that point Congress would do its thing to approve the cancellation and voilà!.....Obummer remains.
Indeed.....if that truth strikes a nerve then you are part of the problem. The reality spoken of by Mr. McCarthy is obvious to anyone with the slightest ability for critical independent reasoning.

Look at the objective facts of the United States position in relation to world leadership and morality since post world war two. Communism has spread its tentacles of evil to the breaking point within the heart of America's one time greatness in its founding principles....of basic liberalism (in the puristic sense of the term), political democracy and economic freedom based upon the free market principle of capitalism...where one finds success not because of his/her place in society at birth but because of supplying a better product of need.

Take for example the American heritage of finding 2 different people...from different political ideologies...yet having both reach a common conclusion of reality in describing their reasons for wanting to SERVE THE PEOPLE. Of course we are speaking of John (Jack) Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan. What did they have in common...one being a democrat the other a republican? Both based their political ideologies on the same theme as observed from the history of the United States of America. Both spoke of America's place in the world in comparing the US to a "...city upon a hill" looking upon and protecting that which God had granted them a duty to defend...American exceptionalism. Both referenced their ideologies from the same source "...a John Winthrop sermon."

Find the commonality between Trump and Hildabeast today....the only common denominator is their personalities based upon megalomania in taking what best serves them in their personal quests for power and greed. Mr. Reagan and JFK both asked the same question, "...what can I do for my nation, not what can my nation do for me.".

What has driven this divisive stake into the heart of America and divided asunder the basic principles of morality and family in this nation? Social Communism....which has publicly attacked everything America used to stand for...God, Family, Morality, and the protection of each human being on earths right to pursue individual exceptionalism...i.e., basic happiness.

Look at anyone calling themselves a modern Liberal/Progressive....find me one that is happy or content with their place in the world....just one. Regardless of how much, fame, power, wealth, etc., this great nation has helped them achieve...they can never seem to be happy with what they have found, and often times they become so depressed they take their own lives at an early age seeking the propagandized SOCIAL JUSTICE, always not accepting their place in the world in finding happiness and contentment but rather ranting and raving about what others have that they do not.

Conclusion? Social Communism is a disease that left untreated will end just as it has with every historical example that has ever existed upon the face of the earth.....total collapse due to the fact that nothing can be shared equally in the sense of totality...its a pipe dream that is not capable of becoming reality due to one basic human truth. The existence of FREE WILL, and the very corruptible nature of all men. As history demonstrates all communist regimes fail because of the corruption that comes about at the top that leads to the collapse of the whole due to the exact opposite of what communism promises but can't deliver....total equality, in the end the top collapses around the base because the corruption of men seeking power (their quest for individual happiness) at the top starves that ideology to death at its base....its common folk eventually REVOLT due to the cruelty of the power seekers.

Don't accept that historical truth? Just look to Europe and all the nations that have attempted to construct a society around socialism in their quest for SOCIAL JUSTICE....each of the nations that now make up the European Union have underwent on average "6" revolutions...in their quest for social justice...while the United States has existed upon this earth during the same time period with only 2 major revolutions (the American Revolution and the Civil war) both based upon the concept of liberty for all...not world domination.

America, i.e., specifically the United States of America has existed because it constructed a firewall into its foundation that all other nations failed to realize. The founders divided America's power base into a system of checks and balances...a concept that originated within the pages of the Holy Bible, mandating all power be divided into 3 different and equal government branches...where all possess the authority to check the power of the other branches when one branch becomes the self professed dictator. Ask yourself with objective reality.....what is happening today that threatens this system? The Judicial Branch has declared itself above the other two when it professes to have the RIGHT to make law from the bench void of any type of representation from THE PEOPLE in being the final arbitrator in declaring what THE CONSTITUTION means...regardless of what the actual words declare.

Just a hunch,...you were a big fan of Michele Bachmann weren't you Ralphie-boy.

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October 21, 2016 - "For much of his campaign, Donald Trump has done more to repel voting women than he has to win them over. Now mounting evidence suggests they are already punishing him for it at the ballot box.

In three crucial battlegrounds — North Carolina, Florida and Georgia — women are casting early ballots in disproportionate numbers. And in North Carolina, a must-win state for Trump with detailed early voting data available, it’s clear that Democratic women have been particularly motivated to turn out or turn ballots in.

In North Carolina, 87,000 Democratic women have already moved to cast early ballots compared with just 60,000 Republican women, according to data shared with POLITICO by J. Michael Bitzer, an expert on North Carolina’s early vote at Catawba College. Men in the state, meanwhile, are closely divided: 50,000 Republicans and 52,000 Democrats have voted.

“I could see, the week following the first debate, the percentage of women requesting ballots increased in both North Carolina and Georgia,” said Michael McDonald, another early vote expert who runs the United States Elections Project."

Just a hunch,...you were a big fan of Michele Bachmann weren't you Ralphie-boy.


Of course not...being a democrat I Have made personal war on women just as all other democrats have historically done. Democrats fought very hard against any female having the right to vote or own property...might alone holding public office. Hell....women had the right to vote 50 years before the 19th amendment in the state of Wyoming...thanks to one of those damn evil republican governors like John Campbell who gave women the right to vote in 1869...this in spite of the efforts of all our DEMOCRAT brothers at the federal level.

And another evil ass republican was the first to introduce the language leading up to the damn 19th amendment in California in 1878....thank God our democrat brothers in CONGRESS stepped in again and voted that first attempt down. And those damn evil ass republican's did not stop there...they had the gall to re-introduce that bill year after year....each time our brother democrats in congress voting that nonsense down (think about it...women having the national right to vote.

And then our democrat brothers at the federal level really got pissed when state after state began giving women the right to vote locally in their state elections. Between 1910 and 1918 those damn evil ass states that were controlled by those evil ass republicans had some gall....defying the feds and letting females vote... in states like Alaska, Nebraska, New York (most support coming from the northern and western farm lands at that time), North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Oregon (long before it became a strong hold for liberals and queers), Washington State....All had the political gall to defy our democrat brothers at the federal level....in 1918 it pissed off DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT WILSON so much he directly campaigned against the 19th amendment....those damn evil ass republican women began calling him "Kaiser Wilson" (Good for him a true blue democrat).

But...even Wilson attempted to sell out our democrat brothers in congress when he suddenly done a left turn and all of sudden began supporting female voting.....in order to gain support for the democrat lead industrial war against Germany...but still our democrat brothers in congress stood strong against that bullshit of giving female any such rights...and once again defeated the 19th amendment in 1918.

But damn if things did not change. Thanks to those evil ass female women REPUBLICAN supporters...the women demanded their husbands to vote for change in CONGRESS and those females helped those evil ass republicans take control of a historically DEMOCRAT controlled congress and in 1919 those evil republicans accomplished a Coupe detate' and took control of Congress for the first time in years....and finally they had enough votes to allow those damn WOMEN the right to vote.

In may of 1919 one of those evil ass republicans (US REPRESENTATIVE JAMES MANN REPUBLICAN) once again introduced the 19th amendment to congress for an up or down vote...and it finally passed through congress by a vote of 304-89...the majority were Republican Votes...with almost a 100% count (90+%)...while the majority of our democrat brothers voted against the bullshit.

Then in JUNE 1919...it passed the Senate (56-25). Now it was left up to those dumb ass states....the majority controlled by evil ass Republicans that had already granted women the right to vote in their respective states. Need I say more? Just like in the war between the states.....those evil ass republicans sold our brother democrats out again and passed the amendment by over 75%,,,and it became the law of the land.

Michele Who? Being a true blue democrat.....no woman has the right to hold authority over any real MAN. Don't ya just hate HISTORY ACTUAL. Now tell us one more time how all democrats became republicans and how those republicans that championed women and female rights suddenly turned left and became DEMOCRATS. I can't wait to hear the fairly tale ONE MORE TIME. Please proceed. :)

Damn if you communists aren't an ignorant ass group of dumb asses....you can run from history actual but you can't hide. :) And What exactly is your point? Do you personally (being a democrat) have a problem with a woman that you can't control holding public office? If not WHY ATTACK the woman? Another objective lesson on how its those evil ass republicans that have declared war on women? Really? After I done already told ya....I am going to vote for the Hildabeast? Laugh My Proverbial Ass Off.
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One thing about this election cycle....you have to love one corrupt democrat attacking another corrupt democrat. As Ross Perot once said, "In war you have rules, mud wrestling has rules....politics has no rules."

Hell its almost as entertaining watching the trolls defend the candidates...which speaks volumes about their own character...or lack thereof. Priceless. :)
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October 26, 2016 - "A growing number of prominent Republican women are worried that as members of their male-dominated party step up to defend Donald Trump against accusations of sexual assault, they are causing irreparable damage to the GOPs deteriorating relationship with female voters.

“For next-generation professional women, the party is going to have to do something very, very drastic to change the course of where this candidate has taken us,” said Katie Packer, a deputy campaign manager for Mitt Romney in 2012. “I think the leaders in our party are going to have to aggressively reject this. Come November 9, they better be prepared to make very strong statements condemning all of Trump’s behavior.”

Gingrich once had a fascination of his own with Bill Clinton’s sex life, as he was a driving force behind the movement to impeach Clinton following a consensual sexual relationship he had with a young intern. Clinton became the second president in American history to be impeached by the House, but he was acquitted by the Senate. Voters, meanwhile, punished the Republicans for what they saw as an overreach: The GOP lost five House seats in the 1998 midterm elections, which led to Gingrich’s resignation as speaker.

Trump and his supporters deemed Gingrich’s interview a victory, with the campaign’s director of social media tweeting that Kelly is “not very smart” and telling his followers: “Watch what happens to her after this election is over.”

“Congratulations, Newt, on last night. That was an amazing interview,” Trump said at a ribbon-cutting at his new hotel in Washington on Wednesday. “We don’t play games, Newt, right?”

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October 27, 2016 - "Donald J. Trump has polarized men and women, with the sexes parting ways to such a degree that Election Day could produce the biggest gender gap in decades.

And now that division is being amplified by a gender war in the Republican Party itself. Men and women are taking sides over accusations of Mr. Trump’s mistreatment of women, with the latest flash point a blistering exchange between Newt Gingrich and Megyn Kelly of Fox News.

Increasing numbers of Republican women have turned on their party’s male leaders for defending Mr. Trump against accusations that he groped or forcibly kissed more than 10 women. Many are complaining publicly that for years they stood up for the party against Democrats who accused it of pursuing a “war on women.” They are unable to do so any longer, they say, and they see hypocrisy in Republican men rallying behind Mr. Trump after the same leaders for years accused Bill Clinton of predatory behavior.

These are spineless men,” said Brittany Pounders, a Republican activist and political blogger from Houston."

Lets regurgitate some of these threads, should be fun

Naw, it's like beating an ass with numb hindquarters. They still don't even 2016_by_county_degree.jpgunderstand why we have the electoral college:

He won more EVs and more states but it gets even better when you take a closer look.

Although the EV has nothing to do with county numbers, it shows that he is what most of America wanted regardless of the popular vote, the EC was created from to prevent dense population concentrations from determining who would lead the country as a whole. Out of about 3100 counties, she only won about 500, he won about 2600.
Naw, it's like beating an ass with numb hindquarters. They still don't even View attachment 4023understand why we have the electoral college:

He won more EVs and more states but it gets even better when you take a closer look.

Although the EV has nothing to do with county numbers, it shows that he is what most of America wanted regardless of the popular vote, the EC was created from to prevent dense population concentrations from determining who would lead the country as a whole. Out of about 3100 counties, she only won about 500, he won about 2600.

The idiots that constantly bring up "Hillary got more popular votes" don't understand that concept. I've tried to explain it to those morons using an education analogy and those claiming to be smarter than the rest of us because they're Liberals don't grasp it.

We don't have one overall election, we have 51 separate elections where the results from those 51 elections are added together to get a winner. It's like a student taking 5 college classes. The individual grades in Class A have nothing to do with the overall grade for Classes B - E just Class A. And so on for Class B compared to Classes A and C - E. The only time anything related to the individual classes have to do with each other is calculating GPA, or in the case of the election, determining the electoral college winner.
The idiots that constantly bring up "Hillary got more popular votes" don't understand that concept. I've tried to explain it to those morons using an education analogy and those claiming to be smarter than the rest of us because they're Liberals don't grasp it.

We don't have one overall election, we have 51 separate elections where the results from those 51 elections are added together to get a winner. It's like a student taking 5 college classes. The individual grades in Class A have nothing to do with the overall grade for Classes B - E just Class A. And so on for Class B compared to Classes A and C - E. The only time anything related to the individual classes have to do with each other is calculating GPA, or in the case of the election, determining the electoral college winner.

Well said, thanks.
Well said, thanks.

I've tried to explain it many times that way to those constantly brining up the overall vote total. They don't get it or they don't want to get it. Maybe they just need something to whine about because mommy coddled them when they did as a child.