2020 was the worst year for economic growth since World War II

Other countries DIDN'T handle it any better you dumb cunt!!!. I wish you dumb, America hating, lying liberal cunts could get it through your microscopic brains that China is at fault. No one else.


Brazil's COVID response world's worst, New Zealand's best in 2020

United States' COVID response was one of the worst in the world, ranking near rock bottom at 94th out of 98 countries studied.

We were beaten by Russia, Guatemala, Bangladesh.

....according to research published by a leading Australian think tank.

Belgium, UK, Slovenia, Italy, Bosnia, Chechia, North Macedonia are all worse than the US in terms of deaths per million, look it up ffs!

And that somehow excuses our own massive failure? I notice you did not mention the countries that are doing a far better than the US handling the virus, why is that?

Copying and pasting dumb prattle from leftist web sites makes you look ignorant and stupid. I would like you to list the lack of response that would make America so bad snowflake.

Of course, that would require using your brain, which apparently is inadequate for the task. Here's some inconvenient statistics for you dipshit:

Mortality in the most affected countries
For the twenty countries currently most affected by COVID-19 worldwide, the bars in the chart below show the number of deaths either per 100 confirmed cases (observed case-fatality ratio) or per 100,000 population (this represents a country’s general population, with both confirmed cases and healthy people). Countries at the top of this figure have the most deaths proportionally to their COVID-19 cases or population, not necessarily the most deaths overall.

16 other countries have higher mortality ratios than the US shit-for-brains.

And that somehow excuses our own massive failure? I notice you did not mention the countries that are doing a far better than the US handling the virus, why is that?

Ours wasn't a massive failure you dumb, low IQ twit. The blame falls on the WHO and China dimwitted wonder dunce. :palm:
The US has always compared itself to North Macedonia.


Economic lockdowns advocated by you leftist pig fuckers and you're trying to blame trump for a bad economy??? You're the fucking moron bcg

We entered a recession before the lockdowns:

It's official: Recession began in February, ending longest U.S. expansion ever

And manufacturing was in a recession for all of 2019, a year before the lockdowns:

U.S. manufacturing was in a mild recession during 2019, a sore spot for the economy

Despite promising growth of at least 3% from the 2018 Russia Tax Cut, Trump's best annual GDP growth never exceeded Obama's best record. The closest he got was in 2018 when he fell 0.04% shy of Obama's best mark.
The U.S. economy shrank by 3.5 percent last year as the novel coronavirus upended American business and households, making 2020 the worst year for U.S. economic growth since 1946.

It is the first time the economy has contracted for the year since 2009, when Gross Domestic Product shrank by 2.5 percent during the depths of the Great Recession. It is also the worst year for economic growth since 1946, when the economy shrank by 11.6 percent as the nation demobilized from its wartime footing.


Well duh! Thanks captain obvious. Because you’re a biden monkey, I was gonna get a little snarky and put up the full Webster’s definition of “global pandemic” for you, but maybe some other statistics will be more enlightening.

Final quarter GDP economic growth for 2020 was 4%, in 2016, it was 1.6%. Final quarter unemployment rate for 2020 was 6.5%, for Q4 2016 it was 4.7%(down from 5% for Q3). So STFU about the economy and watch it bounce back as we come out of the wuflu and biden sits around with his thumb up his ass and does NOTHING. The big problem with that is, his puppet masters probably won’t be able to sit around with their thumbs up their asses and do nothing. They’ll just keep sliding Soviet style EO’s in front of him that he will gleefully sign as long as he gets his pudding pop. Tell me again why you wanted these jackasses back in charge?
Fuck you.

You posted that reply 2 minutes after I did mine. There’s no JPP rule that says you can’t take some time to frame your responses in such a manner as to invite further discussion. Alternatively, there is no rule against the occasional “fuck you” either, but such retorts reflect poorly on you. An option for you might be to put me on your ignore list, but I consider that a win for me. I have a few jackasses on my own list, but only because they are boring or incoherent. So please, continue to entertain me...or don’t.
You posted that reply 2 minutes after I did mine. There’s no JPP rule that says you can’t take some time to frame your responses in such a manner as to invite further discussion. Alternatively, there is no rule against the occasional “fuck you” either, but such retorts reflect poorly on you. An option for you might be to put me on your ignore list, but I consider that a win for me. I have a few jackasses on my own list, but only because they are boring or incoherent. So please, continue to entertain me...or don’t.
