2024 Election Follies: Florida's Iron Heel.

Once again, the fantastic two-faced, hypocritical government policies of the MAGA controlled "red states" just brazenly tips it's hand. Here we have Gov. Ron DeSantis using the local gov't to gag local TV stations from airing a pro-abortion ad. Fortunately, some folk still believe in the rule of law, the Constitution and legal precedent.

And not a one of them are right wingers , MAGA .
They are backing a WANT TO BE DICTATOR .
They SAY they stand behind the CONSTITUTION and then back TRUMP who has come right out told them he is going on a REVENGE tour taking REVENGE on all his POLITICAL OPPONENTS just like DICTATORS do NOT U.S. Presidents do..
I hope the hell Trump DOESN'T get reelected but IF he does and he does EVEN HALF of what HE says he wants to do it WILL be the END of the USA as we know it today.