2024 Election Follies: the Great VP debate!

Post debate reaction:

Vance is VERY good at shoveling the shyte! Comes off very earnest, very sincere, and very adept at dodging a direct question and/or blowing lies fast and furious out of his pie hole.

Walz comes off as somewhat clumsy and tepid. Although he did touch on the topics listed in the OP here, he didn't do it with earnest or enough facts to make a stronger case. Case in point, his waffling before admitting he screwed up about when he was in China.


What delivered a death blow to Vance's vacuous verbiage was two things: the topics of abortion and Jan. 6th. Walz put the kibosh on Vance's bullshit by just relating real life stories of what effect the current dissolving of Roe v. Wade and setting of determination by individual states has on women. Vance trying to bypass DEATH CAUSED BY HIS POLICY just look REAL BAD!

And then the coupe de gras came when Vance tried to BS and trivialize Jan. 6th. Walz killed when he pointed the reason why Vance and NOT Pence was on the stage, and when he asked the American people if they wanted a VP who will hold a President accountable to the Constitution and rule of law or to the whims of a President?
Vance's refusal to admit in no uncertain terms that Trump lost the 2020 election fair and square by saying he was "looking to the future" was called by Walz as, "A damning non-answer"!

So I call it a 60-40 in Walz's favor.

Let the spin games begin!
I'm a little disappointed that Walz wasn't able to work trump's 34 felonies somewhere in his responses.

These magas! And Vance pimping for a convicted felon is a disgrace. This is how low magas have sunk.