2024 is Desantis' guaranteed win or lose, depending on his actions/words

That's called projection on your part, even Trump acknowledged as much with his shooting someone on 5th Ave remark.

Seeing how I am a Libertarian that voted for johnson and then jorgensen, your statement is mere partisan conjecture that is delusional fantasy based on your complete inability to think in more than two dimensions
Wait a minute, so if DeSantis doesn’t win the nomination, it is because of the left? And last I looked, outside of the a few promoting themselves, the Senate is moving along fine

Not just the left, any politician who acts and lies like Trump will be treated like Trump, did you think “grabbing pussy,” strong arming foreigners for “favors,” inciting riots, personally profiting off the office, and stealing classified documents is honorable behavior

The martyr schtick ain’t selling anymore

you mean things like 'groping little girls, strong arming foreigners for “favors,” inciting riots, personally profiting off the office, and stealing classified documents?????
no doubt, you think freedom, liberty, and the constitution are nucking futty notions

No, I don't, Special Agent STY. Unlike you, I don't support the arbitrary mass murder of Americans as collateral damage to assert white supremacist ideology.

i'm gonna work on putting together something like 'NFL red zone'..............where all the highlighted shots and kills of important people are nationally broadcast
No, I don't, Special Agent STY. Unlike you, I don't support the arbitrary mass murder of Americans as collateral damage to assert white supremacist ideology.
