23 states have no age requirements for amusement park ride operators.


Villified User
Apr 2, 12:46 AM EDT

Ky. Passes Bill on Thrill Ride Operation

Associated Press Writer

FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) -- Most high schoolers will soon be barred from operating thrill rides in Kentucky after a grisly accident last year severed the feet of a girl at a Louisville amusement park.

The state Senate voted 37-0 on Tuesday night for final passage of legislation that prohibits anyone younger than 18 from operating such rides. The House passed the bill 97-0 on Thursday.

"This is long overdue legislation," said state Sen. Tom Jensen, a Republican and sponsor of the bill, which drew opposition from the amusement industry. "It is a good step forward on safety."

Gov. Steve Beshear has supported the bill and will sign it into law, spokesman Dick Brown said. The measure would take effect in July.

The move comes less than a year after the accident on the Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom ride, which was being operated by a 16 year old.

The Kentucky Department of Agriculture is awaiting tests on the broken cable at the Superman Tower of Power ride to determine what caused it to snap, severing the feet of 14-year-old Kaitlyn Lasitter of Louisville.

The state agency, which inspects amusement park rides, has said it is unclear whether the Kentucky Kingdom accident could have been prevented if the changes lawmakers are seeking had been in place last year.

Only 10 states require ride operators to be at least 18, according to the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions. Another 17 states require ride operators to be at least 16. The others, including Kentucky, currently have no age requirement.

David Mandt, spokesman for the industry group, said Kentucky lawmakers may be unnecessarily shrinking the labor pool that amusement parks can draw from.

"It can take several thousand - up to 4,000 or so - to staff a park," Mandt said. "This new 18-year-old requirement may make it more difficult to staff the attractions in Kentucky."

And when someting goes wrong the machine will be smart enough to react in the proper and safest way ? Yeah a 1 billion dollar tilt a whirl. AI supercomputer controlled.

Aside from you diversion we have children operating amusement park rides. Why ? Increased profit.
And when someting goes wrong the machine will be smart enough to react in the proper and safest way ? Yeah a 1 billion dollar tilt a whirl. AI supercomputer controlled.

Aside from you diversion we have children operating amusement park rides. Why ? Increased profit.

Honestly, US, you act like there's a HUGE, inexcusable difference between a 16-year old operating something and an 18 year old operating it.
Honestly, US, you act like there's a HUGE, inexcusable difference between a 16-year old operating something and an 18 year old operating it.

Quite a difference. But 23 states have no minimum age limits on operating amusement rides. Lets just let 10 yr olds do it. Yaay it would be fun to sling the old guy out of the seat , how far to you reckon he would fly ? Darn flappin his arms did not help a bit did it. oh well.
Quite a difference. But 23 states have no minimum age limits on operating amusement rides. Lets just let 10 yr olds do it. Yaay it would be fun to sling the old guy out of the seat , how far to you reckon he would fly ? Darn flappin his arms did not help a bit did it. oh well.
You do know that they have child labor laws even if there is no minimum age requirement to operate the ride, right?

How would the age of the operator have stopped the accident?
Quite a difference. But 23 states have no minimum age limits on operating amusement rides. Lets just let 10 yr olds do it. Yaay it would be fun to sling the old guy out of the seat , how far to you reckon he would fly ? Darn flappin his arms did not help a bit did it. oh well.

The minimum age to work is 16, so the de facto age limit is 16. This just raises that two years. I seriously doubt it would've prevented the accident, it was probably machine stress.
What a ridiculous argument..............

Major amusement park rides are computer controlled...once the operator hits the start button the computer takes over...and amusement parks have hired 16 year old HS students since inception...cable failure is not the fault of the operator...but it is the fault of the inspecting agency! Sounds like the government of Ky is covering up for their own failure to inspect rides properly...taking it out on the youth operators is obnoxious to say the least!
Most Major amusement park rides are computer controlled. but that does not cover the smaller ones and the many rides set up by carnie companies for fairs and such.

Most Major amusement park rides are computer controlled. but that does not cover the smaller ones and the many rides set up by carnie companies for fairs and such.

No carnie fan here....they are definetly under supervised...and most should be outlawed...imho!
I used to be a ride operator when I was 16 at 6 flags. It definitely didn't require too much thinking.

Was the girls legs severed because of the operator though? I'd be surprised.
I used to be a ride operator when I was 16 at 6 flags. It definitely didn't require too much thinking.

Was the girls legs severed because of the operator though? I'd be surprised.

It could be called that, the cable was clearly broken and the operator apparantly did not see it but many others did.

It could be called that, the cable was clearly broken and the operator apparantly did not see it but many others did.

If the operator was say 25 years old and supposedly missed the obvious broken cable(I am not really buying this)however would you then reccommend raising the age of the operator to 35?
If the operator was say 25 years old and supposedly missed the obvious broken cable(I am not really buying this)however would you then reccommend raising the age of the operator to 35?

Nope, but that is beside the point and you know it.

I have not recommended making it illegal for anyone over 65 to drink because of your behaviour have I ?

Nope, but that is beside the point and you know it.

I have not recommended making it illegal for anyone over 65 to drink because of your behaviour have I ?

You sir have been troll busted ...again...nice strawman attempt...typical liberal BS!...When called out you resort to innuendo and little cuts to avoid the question at hand! Yes old man we know you are at the 65 turning of age...so you are okay with getting high in your Golden years...:rolleyes: