It appears that this figure includes maxed out spending on many programs and the government being forced to make good on all sorts of loan guarantees that it will not be required to make good on.

People say that we should audit the FED and they're right, but articles like this and the accompanying reaction (See Monroe, TuTu: "I'll check the current Treasury Bond yield, which usually comes in my e-mail. I suspect it will go way down. As you know, normally the government increases the debt limit, prints money and finances it by the sale of US Treasury Bonds, but who in the hell is going to buy them?") are good reasons why we shouldn't.
You may have more joy asking that of the person who banned you?

Believe it or not, it all apparently happened while i was safely tucked up in bed. You were gone overnight (although it probably wasn't your night-time so don't get offended by that breach of the SM etiquette)
I'm not the one who should be curious- you are. You attempt to slam me and equate it to details of some short term ban that happened long ago yet you can't remember any of the details. *shrug*
I'm not the one who should be curious- you are. You attempt to slam me and equate it to details of some short term ban that happened long ago yet you can't remember any of the details. *shrug*

Slam you :D

Don't worry, SM, i'd be embarrassed too if i couldn't control myself on an internets message board.
Oh, that's interesting. I didn't realize that you can't read; I'll try to go easier on you. That's a shame.

Since, you know, they said that this figure is "unlikely"...

no, they said $23 million was unlikely....I think my $12 million is more on the mark.....
Oh, that's interesting. I didn't realize that you can't read; I'll try to go easier on you. That's a shame.

Since, you know, they said that this figure is "unlikely"...

How's about that?

Every single one of these gloom & doomers is ignoring the very impotatnt point you made.

Why am I not surprised?