Bush isn't that bad of a band. I mean, really. Hate them so much you shave?You might be a liberal.....
If you've shaved your Va jay jay because you hate Bush so bad.
Bush isn't that bad of a band. I mean, really. Hate them so much you shave?You might be a liberal.....
If you've shaved your Va jay jay because you hate Bush so bad.
Bush isn't that bad of a band. I mean, really. Hate them so much you shave?
Yeah, I could see that happening if you were gay.I always said that if I were gay, Gavin would be the first dude I'd bang.
You think Fox News is hopelessly biased to the right, but MSNBC, CNN, NBC, ABC, and CBS call it right down the middle.
* You think the real hero of the Cold War was Mikhail Gorbachev.
These two don't have any grain of truth to it?
Who ended communism then? It sure as hell wasn't Reagan. Reagan prolonged it by being an asshole.
That's definitely one way to spin it. I'd argue that's public school teaching at its finest.
As opposed to home-schooling where you learn that the founding fathers were preachers, slaves were happy, and it's written in the constitution that god hates gays.
No I learned that in public school.
the truth is this is more funny in its inability to even know the truth about liberals
Like a moonwalk? Why do you kids keep posting youtubes in answers to questions? Don't you think I feel old enough not knowing wtf you are talking about?
Is it like when Michael Jackson moonwalked, is that it?
Ur state sucks, dude...36% of Mississippi's population is black and our very flag we still spit in their face. No statewide elected officeholder in the state with the highest black population in black, while in Massachusettes, which has about three black people, the governer is black. There is something seriously fucked up about my state, and the public school system is just one of them. I could seriously just read my history books and just check off things that were outright lies and distortions.
It was funny, stop being so melodramatic Desh.
Why would they, when they have had a measure of success geting people to vote in socialism through the democratic process? With the rest done through the (mostly unelected) courts, of course, when the people objected.I have never met a liberal who thought socialism is better than democracy
Comapring socialism to democracy is like comparing apples to grapefruits.
Why would they, when they have had a measure of success geting people to vote in socialism through the democratic process? With the rest done through the (mostly unelected) courts, of course, when the people objected.
No argument. Which is why the leftists have had to work so hard over several generations, to convert the one to the other, and still only get halfway finished by the end of the century.
Socialism is an economic system. Democracy is a method of choosing people to govern.
And why shouldn't they? There's a time and place for anything that works for a rock ribbed realist but not for ideological reactionary fanatics like you. Our Department of Defense and Education work of almost purely utilitarian ethics and dialectic economics. In short socialism and they both work just fine thank you.
This is the difference between moderates/Independents and fanatics like you. I'm willing to accept socialism in practical applications where it works well, such as an organizing principle of a military industrial establishment in which supply/demand economics don't work well. I'm willing to make these compromises because they are in our nations best interest to do so even if they don't meet the purist standards of your extremist right wing ideology. I'm much more concerned about sound, affective and efficient governance then I am about the ramblings of a mindless mudslinging fanatic that's more concerned about their ideology then they are about our permanent national interests.
What I'm not willing to accept, from either party, is incompetence, inept, inefficient and corrupt governance and that is exactly what this nation has gotten in the last 8 years under conservative ideology.
So what does it matter if conservatives are right on all the issues (they are not.) when they have proven to be such a bunch of fuck ups?
It all comes back to what America is supposed to be. If we can't be more than just another autocratic regime then why don't we just admit we can't stick to principle, say "it was fun while the charade lasted," and turn ourselves back to colonial rule. It really matters not whether we are ruled by one socialist regime or another.
I don't care what America is "supposed' to be, which according to your viewpoint is probably some neoliberal paradise where you work 18 hours a day for the top 1%. I want what is best for most Americans. That is my principle.