What you posted was nothing more than guessing, by your own admission.
Were you lying then, or are you lying now?
I didn't lie in either post.
What you posted was nothing more than guessing, by your own admission.
Were you lying then, or are you lying now?
I didn't lie in either post.
\\loser// is a proven liar. I don't understand why he calls others liars all the time. Denial is not a river in Egypt.
Stalin's stall is full of horse-shit.
He is weak and hurts the conservative image.
That is the best you have? I'm really impressed \\loser// how big you failed again. Please keep it up and I hope many people believe that you embody President Obama's followers, because then President Obama will not be reelected in 2012. I'm sure President Obama thanks you for your support.
You aren't the best conservatism has. You are a weak failure.
President Obama would laugh if I showed him your childish messages.
And your message is not childish? My goodness, you are completely retarded, my six year old can do better. How many posters of President Obama do you have on your wall? I bet you have the one of him without his shirt on at the beach. Probably blown up to life size. Am I good or what! Don't even try to beat me \\(loser)//, you are out of your league. You are not even close to having the requisite intelligence to handle me. FYI, quit now and save yourself further humiliation.
Your desperation is apparent.
Please keep going, your humiliation is apparent.
More denials?
I heard you used to post here under another name, and that you attacked people's family members. Is that true?
Care to cite my lie?
Oh please. You cannot possibly deny it. The easiest proof is "It's about what happened as a result of conservative hate". No qualifier that it is only some or a few, you labeled the hate as belonging to all conservatives.
The lie.
That is the lie? lol Without a qualifier or some caveat, the statement refers simply to conservatives not any small segment of them. No lie at all.
Oh please. You cannot possibly deny it. The easiest proof is "It's about what happened as a result of conservative hate". No qualifier that it is only some or a few, you labeled the hate as belonging to all conservatives.
Yet, until I pointed out your error, it was you who begged me to quit.
Your 6 year old thinks you are smart. After a while they will learn better, and be ashamed.
Actually \\(liar)//, I did not beg you, I gave you some advice which you're obviously to stupid to take. Since you didn't take my sage advice, I figured there was no point in further helping save you from your humiliation, so I want to encourage you to continue because you make democrats look like idiots. My six year old is smarter than you and understands the world far better, he would have the smarts the keep quiet, rather than open his mouth and prove himself the fool as you constantly do. Please keep going, your humiliation is palpable.
Nice walkback, Stalin.
You lied again. I'm not a Democrat.
How long before your poor child realizes what a stupid parent they have?
The shame and humiliation will be intense.
Not that I care.
Did i say you were a democrat?