Cancel 2016.11
I had a dream that Romney won the election. Sometimes my dreams are very prescient, but I don't know if this one will be. I remember I was really angry with Rahm Emmanual in this dream for some reason.
I had a dream that Romney won the election. Sometimes my dreams are very prescient, but I don't know if this one will be. I remember I was really angry with Rahm Emmanual in this dream for some reason.
lol... It will all depend on the economy between now and then. If Europe remains in turmoil, it will continue to slow world growth to the point we may see a contraction. At this point we are strong enough to withstand a Greek exit, but if the Euro as a whole blows... well... game over for our economy which will obviously have a negative impact on incumbents.
That said... do not distract the thread from mocking poor little Mutt.
Yes. It's kinda like that here in Ohio. The majority of Democrats are in the Columbus and Cleveland region with most conservatives in the small town/rural regions of the State. The Cincinnati/Dayton regions are different in that they have large hillbilly and Catholic populations and they tend to vote on right wing indetity issues.Rural verses urban?
No, you're using your faulty Massachusets reading skills. I've drawn the conclusion that as of "right now" Romney is behind and is playing catchup and that if the election were held today he would lose. That's a fact. A lot can happen between now and November that can change everything, hell even a moron like Super Freak can figure that out, but if the poll numbers for the States are the same in November (and that's a big "if") as they are now then Romney will lose.the election is not going to be held right now, it's going to be held in 6 months.
your faulty logic is assuming that everything stays exactly static. your other faulty assumption is that romney and obama have equal chances of winning various states. you fail to take into account how money effects things, how momentum effects projections, how demographics effect projections.
Historically, whoever was in the lead in april-may won about 50% of the time when the election came around. People still haven't gotten to know romney. There have been no debates, no massive ad campaigns yet, etc.
The race is just beginning. For you to just treat like electoral politics is a vacuum while isolating every other variable, shows your lack of knowledge in this area.
Opinions and political affiliation are a function of time.
Well derp, derp Tinkerbell...that's what I was pointing out! LOLLMAO... they were attacking each other more than Obama you dolt. That is why Romney is now coming back a bit. You truly are clueless.
Lord of mercy but you're slow. A lot can happen between now and November that can change everything. We all know that...DUH. I'm talking RIGHT NOW and right now the statistics show that Obama has a substantial lead in the electoral vote and Romney is playing catch up and even with this "change' if the election were held today Romney would lose.
243-170 now...
See how fast that happened? LMAO...
Well, looks to me like Merkel is starting to backtrack. Saying that she wants to help Greece. I don't think things are going so great for Ms Fuhrer. And I don't think she wants to preside over the demise of the euro. I think things are going to start to shift there ever so slightly, so we will see.
Lord of mercy but you're slow. A lot can happen between now and November that can change everything. We all know that...DUH. I'm talking RIGHT NOW and right now the statistics show that Obama has a substantial lead in the electoral vote and Romney is playing catch up and even with this "change' if the election were held today Romney would lose.
um... they are shifting in the wrong direction. 'Ms. Fuhrer'??? Really? That is pretty pathetic on your part.
Well derp, derp Tinkerbell...that's what I was pointing out! LOL
So says you. The voters of europe have a different opinion and she just lost a big election in Germany. Message sent, and apparently, received. Oh well, the iron fist of dictatorship would be soooo much better for The Austurians.
Yeah, the voters are like Dung... they want want want and don't give a damn if their countries have the ability to pay for what they want. Have you seen the world markets since the Greek/French votes? Did you notice the fact that China stated it would no longer buy any European debt? There is a reason. It isn't because they see things about to get better.
Oh there's way too much uncertainty for the markets to get better right now.
I dont believe you are reading the voters' message correctly, but that is to be expected. I think this will end up being a positive move. But I am not an Austurian. So there is zero chance we will ever degree. WHy dont' you post about 50 "do tell" posts anyway?
Rural verses urban?
I've drawn the conclusion that as of "right now" Romney is behind and is playing catchup and that if the election were held today he would lose. That's a fact.
A lot can happen between now and November that can change everything,
243-170 now...
See how fast that happened? LMAO...