4 year plan


Worst gambler ever
So I've been in Hawaii for 2 years now, and I've found a great career, a great home, and a girlfriend. Unfortunately she lives in LA. But the nice part is is that she was born, raised and is culturally Peruvian, and she's the best woman I've ever known.

My ideal plan:

She moves here in about a year. We save a lot of money, and enjoy this gem we live on for about 2-3 years. Then we cash everything in, all of it, and move to Peru, to a coastal village south of Lima, to a small house where we can raise chickens and goats, and our family. We forget about all the bullshit we're programmed to care about in the rat race, and we live out our years.

So long suckers. I'll update annually.
So I've been in Hawaii for 2 years now, and I've found a great career, a great home, and a girlfriend. Unfortunately she lives in LA. But the nice part is is that she was born, raised and is culturally Peruvian, and she's the best woman I've ever known.

My ideal plan:

She moves here in about a year. We save a lot of money, and enjoy this gem we live on for about 2-3 years. Then we cash everything in, all of it, and move to Peru, to a coastal village south of Lima, to a small house where we can raise chickens and goats, and our family. We forget about all the bullshit we're programmed to care about in the rat race, and we live out our years.

So long suckers. I'll update annually.

Sounds fantastic. But can you do it? I mean will you fit in and like it long term?

Sounds like you are beginning to catch on about the rat race serving others instead of yourself?

Heres to your leaving tool status in a few years :clink:
A sincere clink there too.
Not a toppy clink.
Sounds fantastic. But can you do it? I mean will you fit in and like it long term?

Sounds like you are beginning to catch on about the rat race serving others instead of yourself?

Heres to your leaving tool status in a few years :clink:
A sincere clink there too.
Not a toppy clink.

I'm going to learn Spanish and study up on Peruvian culture before I go.

And thanks for the kudos brother. :clink:
So I've been in Hawaii for 2 years now, and I've found a great career, a great home, and a girlfriend. Unfortunately she lives in LA. But the nice part is is that she was born, raised and is culturally Peruvian, and she's the best woman I've ever known.

My ideal plan:

She moves here in about a year. We save a lot of money, and enjoy this gem we live on for about 2-3 years. Then we cash everything in, all of it, and move to Peru, to a coastal village south of Lima, to a small house where we can raise chickens and goats, and our family. We forget about all the bullshit we're programmed to care about in the rat race, and we live out our years.

So long suckers. I'll update annually.

if you do this I will worship you as a god. I will bow down and worship you as a fucking god.

Also.... aren't you worried about long distance relationships and the fact that you have 3000 miles of ocean separating you? that's gotta sick.
€ r ı π ∂;512750 said:
if you do this I will worship you as a god. I will bow down and worship you as a fucking god.

Also.... aren't you worried about long distance relationships and the fact that you have 3000 miles of ocean separating you? that's gotta sick.

youth. Its funny Grind, because all of this stuff is more in your reach than it is in mine. You can have whatever you want, the world is your oyster, there is no magic, only proactivity.

And the long distance thing has been rearing its head lately. So we've had the talks, the plans, and we're deciding now about how best to get her out here and build our nest egg so that we can move to south america. I hope to be there by 2013-2014. Hawaii's been the best adventure of my life, and it will continue to be for a few more years, and then it will get even better in Peru. The next phase, the family phase of my life will occur down there.
Sounds like paradise:
In its recent past Peru has alternated between democracy and military dictatorship. Also, it is deeply divided politically and economically. A small elite of Spanish descent controls most of the wealth and political power, while indigenous Peruvians are largely excluded from both and make up many of the millions who live in poverty.

Because of these problems, foreign investors have often given Peru a wide berth. In addition, a preoccupation with political power struggles has meant that the economy and infrastructure have been neglected, a factor which fuelled Peru's guerrilla insurgencies.
Beefy, I have nothing but good stuff to say and good thoughts for your plan.

Hang on to the woman if she has you looking at this plan as a great future. The devil is in the details, as they say. But as long as you have the goals and can stay focused on that, you can get the details whipped.

Keep us posted. When you move to Peru send me an addy and I'll send you some of whatever your favorite celebratory beverage might be.

Good job, Beefy.
So I've been in Hawaii for 2 years now, and I've found a great career, a great home, and a girlfriend. Unfortunately she lives in LA. But the nice part is is that she was born, raised and is culturally Peruvian, and she's the best woman I've ever known.

My ideal plan:

She moves here in about a year. We save a lot of money, and enjoy this gem we live on for about 2-3 years. Then we cash everything in, all of it, and move to Peru, to a coastal village south of Lima, to a small house where we can raise chickens and goats, and our family. We forget about all the bullshit we're programmed to care about in the rat race, and we live out our years.

So long suckers. I'll update annually.
Have you spent anytime in Peru amigo?

I have similar plans. My wife is Filipino and we think about retiring to Cebu. It's pretty modern there, has beaches like Hawaii and you can live an upper middle class life style there for about $1,000/mo. There are some serious down sides though.
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Have you spent anytime in Peru amigo?

I have similar plans. My wife is Filipino and we think about retiring to Cebu. It's pretty modern there, has beaches like Hawaii and you can live an upper middle class life style there for about $1,000/mo. There are some serious down sides though.

There are serious downsides to any lifestyle.

I've done my research. Every country has its problems, Peru included. I'm not worried about it. Some redneck from Wazoo county posting a bad news article isn't going to change shit.

Bubble popper!

Class elitism won't bother an American serving himslef a dream, especially if he has his own money.


Beefy, I have nothing but good stuff to say and good thoughts for your plan.

Hang on to the woman if she has you looking at this plan as a great future. The devil is in the details, as they say. But as long as you have the goals and can stay focused on that, you can get the details whipped.

Keep us posted. When you move to Peru send me an addy and I'll send you some of whatever your favorite celebratory beverage might be.

Good job, Beefy.

Actually, I'm a little tight this week, just got back from Vegas. Can you give me an advance? A 1.75 of Ten High will do the trick. I'll PM my address.

Have you spent anytime in Peru amigo?

I have similar plans. My wife is Filipino and we think about retiring to Cebu. It's pretty modern there, has beaches like Hawaii and you can live an upper middle class life style there for about $1,000/mo. There are some serious down sides though.

:clink: Downsides to a dream are really more like hurdles, they can be overcome with enough wherewithall.

All that being said, the plans are laid. This is going to happen in a couple of years. The best part of my and her lives is coming right up.
I've done my research. Every country has its problems, Peru included. I'm not worried about it. Some redneck from Wazoo county posting a bad news article isn't going to change shit.


Actually, I'm a little tight this week, just got back from Vegas. Can you give me an advance? A 1.75 of Ten High will do the trick. I'll PM my address.

:clink: Downsides to a dream are really more like hurdles, they can be overcome with enough wherewithall.

All that being said, the plans are laid. This is going to happen in a couple of years. The best part of my and her lives is coming right up.
What's the old saying? The best revenge is to live well. That's all's I want out of life. :clink:
What's the old saying? The best revenge is to live well. That's all's I want out of life. :clink:

Revenge is for the weak. It seeks satisfaction in the misery of others thus ties itself to eternal factors.

I'm moving there to move away from such shit. I don't want this "American Dream" anymore. I don't want to be programmed to want more and more, to never be satisfied, and to pay $400,000 for a paper hut or pay $60,000 to live in the south where the racists don't even know they're racists.

Bottom line, I'm done with what this country has become, and I'm moving out.
Revenge is for the weak. It seeks satisfaction in the misery of others thus ties itself to eternal factors.

I'm moving there to move away from such shit. I don't want this "American Dream" anymore. I don't want to be programmed to want more and more, to never be satisfied, and to pay $400,000 for a paper hut or pay $60,000 to live in the south where the racists don't even know they're racists.

Bottom line, I'm done with what this country has become, and I'm moving out.

Shed the weight of corporate america and go off to be free.

When you do this, make sure you drop us a line every so often.
Revenge is for the weak. It seeks satisfaction in the misery of others thus ties itself to eternal factors.

I'm moving there to move away from such shit. I don't want this "American Dream" anymore. I don't want to be programmed to want more and more, to never be satisfied, and to pay $400,000 for a paper hut or pay $60,000 to live in the south where the racists don't even know they're racists.

Bottom line, I'm done with what this country has become, and I'm moving out.
LOL you think Peru will be different.
That begs the question: do you think Peru and the US are the same?
With regards to your post 15, yes. It's human nature to always want more, and racism and bigotry exist everywhere; its just not as advertised here in the US. You demonstrated that nicely with your claim that folks in the South are racist.