My God you have become a DICK.
You have become a Whiner, still does not change the fact that trump cheats at golf constantly, look it up.
My God you have become a DICK.
Trump attacked Obama for playing too much golf, then played more Golf in 4 years than Obama did in 8. Trump claimed he would not play golf if president.
Biden’s been president 40 days, 0 golf.
What kind of idjit would ride a bike in NYC?
Lots of People ride bikes in NY and trump has property all over the place, he lives in Florida in a resort. ride a,installed in New York City as of 2019
Biden’s been president 40 days, 0 golf, 0 problems solved
Biden is a better golfer than Trump. I read he has a 5.7 handicap.
as said already, Biden doesn't golf......he also doesn't solve problems......
Yup, and Trump won in a landslide.
Biden is a better golfer than Trump. I read he has a 5.7 handicap.
Trump attacked Obama for playing too much golf, then played more Golf in 4 years than Obama did in 8. Trump claimed he would not play golf if president.
Biden’s been president 40 days, 0 golf.
He's too busy ruining the country with his many disasters are we up to?
( btw....0 press conferences...0 SOTUS)
Biden is incapable of walking 18 holes or staying awake long enough to play a round of golf. Having him as president is a form of elder abuse.
as deflections go, that one was very weak.....can you name a problem Biden has solved so far?.....
Does Quid remember how to play golf?
he may have several handicaps.....
Trump attacked Obama for playing too much golf, then played more Golf in 4 years than Obama did in 8. Trump claimed he would not play golf if president.
Biden’s been president 40 days, 0 golf.
lol even stupid shit like golf you have to make shit up.
that literally took 10 seconds to look that up.
President Elect Biden is a very solid golfer with a 6.3 handicap although the report estimates his handicap is more likely around 10....Biden's supposed 6.3 handicap pales into insignificance somewhat when you put that up against Trump's alleged 2.8.
you democrats really need to puff up your dear leaders.