40 pt. lead for Clinton in W. Virginia

First, I ain't a Lib.

Second, I live in Ohio, and W.V. IS in FACT a shithole!

It is a Yard Salesman's dream to live there. Every one of your neighbors has piles of unwanted shit in their front yard.

They do have some great whitewater rafting there, though! :p

You don't know who I voted for..and your problem is you believe what you add here is the gospel from the intelligent one..

and put me ignore..........OH NO..:eek:

Wouldn't that be nice if cypress,darla,Lady t,us cit,and soco would actually keep one on IA after they spout off about it...sure as hell they start making comments and claim...damn I had this person on IA check once and awhile..then it reminds me why I have them on IA..they are so full of their own egos that it becomes funny!:cof1:
I will. I don't feel like lying about it anymore. If you think Obama's a Muslim, if you think Bush is one of the greats, if you vote for Hillary now against all mathematical odds...you're stupid, and I'm superior to you.

You call it being a snob; I see it as being a realist.

I hope that gives you comfort in case you should lose this election..:cof1:
I hope that gives you comfort in case you should lose this election..:cof1:

I'm not running.

My favorite stupid people are the ones who think that postings on an internet message board influence a party's chances in the election. That's a real rare breed of stupidity, and one I feel even more superior to.
Obama just picked up a union endorsement today -- so much for the working people being for Hillary. WV is pretty small, and isolated. I guess it depends a lot on who participated in the poll, though.

Did you notice that the following item on that ticker said that Edwards seems to have declared for Obama! It looked as if he was going to go with the candidate he expected to be the winner and he's said it's going to be Obama.

Clinton can win WV by 70 points won't make any difference.

Obama picked up 9 suoerdelegates today.

Edwards is no longer relevant.
I'm not running.

My favorite stupid people are the ones who think that postings on an internet message board influence a party's chances in the election. That's a real rare breed of stupidity, and one I feel even more superior to.

but of course it does.
Digital, your a right wing Nazi type
I don't even bother insulting the republican Nazi's!!!! way too police state mentality for me. It does go with the programmer head in the sand role though.
Chap - 50k is the middle class. You're not middle class. At worst, you are upper middle class/lower upper class. When you make more than 90% of people you just can't be in the middle class.

Thank you! What part of this is difficult to understand, I don't know.
Haha! Well, 'way back when I was a student, my thesis adviser strongly urged each of us to take a clinically related course. I chose human testing. We had to actually administer a relatively eclectic battery of tests to an adult and a child and justify why we'd chosen this set of tests.

As I recall the most important thing we learned was to be very skeptical about what the tests purported to measure, and to look at the whole rather than the results of a single test. Also, we used the IQ test as a diagnostic tool rather than simply a measure of basic intelligence. Those tests really only measure potential to succeed in an academic environment anyway.

There may be tests that measure critical thinking but it would take a long, long time and too many able people would likely slip through the cracks.

You remind me of Ornot sometimes Thorn.
I don't know much about that state; can they possibly be that dumb?

All after the last primary, too. Incredible. Who are these people?

it's one racist-ass state. No lie. Totally backwards.


Looks kinda like a white ,poor southern state.

Dumb? Racist? White?

Given their record of voting for Democrats in general and Sen. Byrd in particular, I'd agree with the DUMB and RACIST...don't know what white has to do with it...they are as white as most states in the northeast....

Dumb and racist...that sure fits:clink:
Interesting the number of people on here who would actually propose limiting franchise based on assumptions made from a poll in which they do not like the results. It just shows that when push comes to shove, extremists of either political philosophy are, essentially, totalitarian. Your type are antithetical to the principles of our society.

The scary part is the two major parties are seeming more and more influenced by their extremists. Thank goodness people like Onceler are still way on the fringe. Hopefully the vast majority representing the middle will eventually come to their senses and force the parties to stop their drift toward extremism.
Clinton can win WV by 70 points won't make any difference.

Obama picked up 9 suoerdelegates today.

Edwards is no longer relevant.

It's over.

I'm pretty psyched. McCain's War is pretty much my main issue, and I want to vote for a viable candidate who was against this war, and intends to get us the f*ck out.
"The scary part is the two major parties are seeming more and more influenced by their extremists. Thank goodness people like Onceler are still way on the fringe. Hopefully the vast majority representing the middle will eventually come to their senses and force the parties to stop their drift toward extremism"

Don't worry. There are about 50 stupid people for every 1 of me. Their work is well documented over the past 7+ years or so.

And my views are actually fairly moderate. I'm just pissed at stupid people determining the course of the nation.
50k? having trouble paying the heat bill and putting food on the table is not middle class in any other generation. dnt lower the standards of this country.