
My main problem is that they have a "crime" section which automatically draws my attention and makes my blood boil when I read the comments. It's times like these when I realize I must be way out of the mainstream. :'(

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After a certain period of time post-count becomes more of an embarrassment than anything else, as mine clearly suggests. Grind has actually been posting here longer, he just doesn't talk a quarter as much.

its not an embarrassment. some people like you and me make numerous one liner posts or quickie posts...in addition to long posts, but we make a lot of quick posts

imo, part of the reason usc left here is because people made fun of his high post count....seriously, who the fuck cares...and why make fun of someone who contributes to a board. i can get on here during a 5 minute spree in the day and make 10-15 quick snippet posts....it doesn't take a lot of time, i read quick and type quick

i think people who make fun of high post counts have insecurity issues
No, I can shuffle between JPP, reddit, and FB for hours and hours and hours. When nothing is actually happening I go to TVtropes, SPC Foundation, or Cracked until it does.
i went to usmb once and did my usual schtick about how great i am etc,, and they all took offense to it. they took me way to seriously. the admin there apparently knows me somehow??? and claimed i was trying to start trouble or something, he left a pretty big retard impression on me
i went to usmb once and did my usual schtick about how great i am etc,, and they all took offense to it. they took me way to seriously. the admin there apparently knows me somehow??? and claimed i was trying to start trouble or something, he left a pretty big retard impression on me

uh...maybe your schtick wasn't that original :pke:
if it wasn't original then they would have recognized it for what it was O_O

and they all took offense to it. they took me way to seriously. the admin there apparently knows me somehow??? and claimed i was trying to start trouble or something, he left a pretty big retard impression on me

apparently they thought they recognized it for what it was....accordign to your own words....as i said, not original, else they wouldn't have thought you someone else

you seem all hurt because you weren't original and they thought you had done this before....