I agree, times have changed. Companies though have to offer comprehensive benefits if they are going to find and retain talent. For example, since I've been with my current employer I have been offered positions that would have paid a higher salary than what I currently earn but when total compensation is calculated, that is my current benefit package compared to what the other companies were offering, my total compensation with my current employer was higher. So I didn't accept those offers.
Education will be the key to most Americans retaining a viable middle class life style. However, the current gross inequalities that we are seeing in our nation cannot continue to grow. The people who are producing that wealth are going to expect the top 1% to share more of that increased wealth from increased productivity instead of taking virtually all of it. The current inequities just simply aren't tenable. One only has to study history to see what will happen.
Having said that, it won't be people like ILM and Piss who affect that change. Mouth breathing redneck trailer trash aren't the people doing the producing. It's the skilled trades and professional classes that will force those changes cause thier the ones responsible for most of the increased productivity and they're the ones being screwed the most.