Pretending poor people are not poor is fucking stupid
Pretending poor people are not poor is fucking stupid
I've only been here a short while but I'm noticing a pattern in your posting style. People present facts and you can not answer with anything other than ad hominem attacks.
You're not a very compelling forum member to interact with.
Does this forum have an ignore feature?
you said it not me fuck face
you people here are pretending poor people are faking to get money from the gov
that is another thing about 401ks.
You have to manage them.
I did mine and lost very little because I adjusted mine when I saw the crash coming.
Its doing pretty damned well.
I know many many people who were FORCED to use their 401 k money up in the crash.
fuck off dweeb the people on this site are already aware of my childhood
you people know nothing about poverty.
you live in a bubble
they are designed to strip the people of a decent retirement
Ok. I'm not following you there. How are accounts set to allow people to save tax free stripping people of a decent retirement?
I have a pretty all-consuming job. It's a great job. It doesn't give me time to go off and get an advanced degree in finance, so I can learn how best to invest my money. It doesn't give me time to go out and interview CFOs at various companies so I can decide where to invest my money. I have other obligations than watching my stocks hour by hour.
I accept a low return for what I've paid in social security because it's safe - or relatively safe.
I would love to have a company handling the pension fund - as long as it's a solid company that funds it appropriately - because I assume they can hire a heckuvalot better financial adviser than I can.
The thought of 300 million americans trying to invest their social security money in private funds makes me shudder - a) it's highly inefficient - think of all the fees that would have to be paid and b) WE DON'T HAVE THE INFO.
Those of us not living on Wall St. don't have the info. We saw how well individual investments worked in the crash of 2001. And the crash of 2007/2008.
My current company doesn't do pensions; so I have my 401K with the company they picked and have targeted the fund that's supposed to do best for someone retiring when I am due to retire. The rest is keeping my fingers crossed.
I do have another 401K which is basically the rollover of past companies, and it is with a firm/adviser I've picked, rightly or wrongly.
We're all out here doing our best; but if you don't want to see old people starving on the streets, yes, you should look to the corps and govt to take some responsibility for the workers.
Remember how much equity was wiped out in the housing crash in 2007/2008? the "average investor" had no clue about the games the companies were playing. We didn't have the info.
Sadly, looks like many companies played along with the hype - but they should have known better.
Ok. I'm not following you there. How are accounts set to allow people to save tax free stripping people of a decent retirement?
I'm with you. I respect TK but I'm not sure why she is groaning Winterborn's post. For instance I make choices now to spend money I know I shouldn't. I know I should be saving more and I don't because I want to do certain things and live a certain lifestyle right now. I can't be mad at someone who is choosing to save while I'm not and will be sitting in a better financial position than me down the road.