42% of likely US voters think that the election was rigged


Yet the Democrats aren't interested in exploring the evidence. They just repeat the DNC narrative that there is no evidence. If :

Evidence has been explored, examined, questioned, litigated, investigated, probed, scrutinized, considered, reviewed, and has been found irrelevant, comes down to common sense, no one can disprove that which has yet to be proven

And as for that 42%, half of them probably do think Jews used lasers to start fires in California, and the other half, wouldn't believe the election was fair and transparent if God Himself descended upon earth and declared so

Fortunately, the other 58% have moved on from the Trump lie, he and it are all in the rear view mirror now
most_gop_voters_still_don_t_think_biden_was_elected_fairly .

Yet the Democrats aren't interested in exploring the evidence.

Most GOP voters are either devolved mutants or seriously brain damaged.
The trumpanzees took all of the evidence available to court.
None of the judges believed that the sharpened popsicle sticks were used by Democrats to intimidate the poll workers, unfortunately.
An obvious question.

Their narrative rests on the idea that since Trump didn’t win in the courts and the election was declared ‘the cleanest in the history of the universe’ it’s a case of ‘nothing to see here, move along’.

If that’s the case, what do they have to lose? Nothing. In fact, it presents a wonderful opportunity for them to rub Trump supporters noses in the fact Biden won a fortified election.

And we all know how much they enjoy that. So let’s do it. Should have been done in the well of the Senate during the impeachment charade. Put the evidence on the table and allow people to decide for themselves whether it was a clean election or not.

Which is exactly why it won’t happen and why it didn’t happen.

Through the courts, democrats and Biden have already proven beyond all serious doubt that Biden legitimately won the election. Additionally those who still doubt won’t be convinced by ANY source. Exactly how long should we continue this dance with morons? It is the responsibility of the morons to put the evidence on the table, but as you and everyone else knows, you have no evidence.

At this point, if you still don’t believe it, who cares?

By the way, what percentage of non-believers believe there are Jewish laser beams from outer space burning trees in California? How many of them believe that democrats are drinking the blood of babies?
