43% in CA don't speak English at home


Well-known member
Kind of interesting. I saw this stat in the L.A. Times this morning in an article about doctors or hospitals having translation services available for patients. I'm pretty sure there is no majority in California. I believe whites still make up the largest minority but soon to be passed by Hispanics. That 43% number still surprised though. I would not have thought it that high.

I have a one year old niece who my sister is going to teach Spanish as she's growing up because if you want to live in CA its a good thing to know.
Maybe I should clarify that the article didn't say 43% couldn't speak English it just said 43% speak a language other than English as their first language at home.
I wish they would drive those property values down so I could move to San Fran.

Haha, good luck with that. S.F. is almost all white and asian. While values may drop in certain parts of the city this city will never be 'affordable'.
Kind of interesting. I saw this stat in the L.A. Times this morning in an article about doctors or hospitals having translation services available for patients. I'm pretty sure there is no majority in California. I believe whites still make up the largest minority but soon to be passed by Hispanics. That 43% number still surprised though. I would not have thought it that high.

I have a one year old niece who my sister is going to teach Spanish as she's growing up because if you want to live in CA its a good thing to know.

Not a shock that so few speak english... too many dumbass USC grads running around...
my sis tells me to check Walnut creek cause of my tennis addiction

haha, Walnut Creek is nice. Expensive but not as expensive as San Francisco. If you ever come out here we're playing tennis. I will kick your ass Topspin. I'll beat you like USC does the SEC.
that's why I want to move their, the cool people, cool attitude, my cool sis runs a dept at Cal Berkley.